The Arcade Game is a console-based application with multiple mini-games. Each game is implemented in a separate file.
- Entry point for the arcade game.
- Displays the main menu and redirects to the selected game.
(TIC TAC TOE)- Classic TIC TAC TOE game.
- User plays against the computer.
- Option to play again or return to the main menu.
(High-Low)- Guess the correct number between 1 and 100.
- Limited lives for guessing.
- Option to play again or return to the main menu.
(Slot Machine)- Simulates a slot machine.
- Win if all three numbers match.
- Option to play again or return to the main menu.
(Odd-Even)- Choose Odd or Even.
- User and computer select numbers.
- Win if the sum is Odd/Even.
- Option to play again or return to the main menu.
(Placeholder for Game 5)- Placeholder for a future game.
- Rules and details yet to be implemented.
- Each game comes with its own ASCII art.
- Use
to display the corresponding ASCII art for Game X.
- Select a game from the main menu.
- Follow on-screen instructions for each game.
- After completing a game, choose to play again or return to the main menu.
- Ensure all necessary files are present and linked correctly.
- Validate user inputs for robustness.
- Maintain consistency in the user experience.