在游戏内编辑 RPGItems 神器吧
目前 RPGProject 仅在1.15测试通过,不一定兼容 RPGItems 1.16 和 RPGItems 1.17,如果 更高版本的 RPGItems 接口没改的话是兼容的。
由于 CommandPrompter 接口变动,现已自行实现参数补全功能,弃用前置 CommandPrompter
该插件编辑技能部分暂未完善,本插件发布贴请见 mcbbs
不要问汉化,RPGItems 自带中文语言,自己去配置文件调中文
RPGItems: Nyaacat Jenkins | sipgotmc | mcbbs
- NyaaCore: Nyaacat Jenkins
- LangUtils: Nyaacat Jenkins
- WorldGuard (可选): BukkitDev | mcbbs
- NyaaUtils (可选): Nyaacat Jenkins
/rpgui edit 神器ID
- 打开GUI来编辑神器
/rpgui reload
- 重载配置文件
./gradlew clean build
本插件使用 GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 (AGLP v3) 许可证
Permissions of this strongest copyleft license are conditioned on making
available complete source code of licensed works and modifications, which
include larger works using a licensed work, under the same license.
Copyright and license notices must be preserved. Contributors provide an
express grant of patent rights. When a modified version is used to provide
a service over a network, the complete source code of the modified version
must be made available.
NyaaCat/NyaaCore (branch 1.15)
NyaaCat/RPGItems-reloaded (branch 1.15)
Spigot (1.15.2)