This document lists Google Maps API v3 javascript examples, sometimes in relation with a specific stackoverflow question.
All my fiddles can be found on my dashboard
- The very base map
- Create a Styled Map and the corresponding
- A great tool for generating styled maps: The Styled Map Wizard
- Create a Styled Map and the corresponding
- Trigger a map resize when the map canvas is displayed
Maps API v3 Bootstrap modal & map resize
- Trigger a map resize when map is shown in a Bootstrap modal
Maps API v3 4 quarters of the projection
- Display all 4 quarters of the map projection and use a formula to find the real north and south edges of the projection
Maps API v3 Marker in each corner
- Place a marker in each of the map corners
Maps API v3 map quarters, find where marker lies
- Divide the map viewport in 4 quarters and check in which quarter a marker lies
Maps API v3 Center map from user input
- Center map on user input coordinates with validation
Maps API v3 Custom scale control
- Create a custom scale control
- Adds a day/night overlay using the Nite Overlay library
- Maps API v3 Handle single and double click events
- How to handle single and double click events simultanously
Maps API v3 Add and remove markers
- Add and remove a set of markers from the map by the use of a markers array
Maps API v3 markers setInterval
- Drop markers at a defined time interval
Maps API v3 Marker stick within bounds
- With a non-draggable map, make a marker stick within the map bounds
Maps API v3 Repeat draggable marker at low zoom levels
- By default, draggable markers are not repeated on the map when world map is smaller than canvas area. This is a quick fix that adds a non draggable marker to mimic the non draggable behavior.
Maps API v3 Create random markers
- Create markers at random locations within defined bounds
Maps API v3 Loop through markers and center map
- Center map on each marker with by clicking on a button
Maps API v3 SVG markers increase in size
- Increase marker icon size every time a marker is added to the map
Maps API v3 Fit map to markers bounds
- Extend a bounds object with each marker position and fit the map to these bounds
Maps API v3 Filter markers by groups
- Read JSON data and push markers to arrays by group
- Clustering a good amount of markers on a map
Maps API v3 HTML Marker (Custom Overlay)
- Create a custom HTML Marker by implementing OverlayView class
- Add a nice scrolling to Infowindow
Maps API v3 Twitter in Infowindow
- Embed a tweet in an Infowindow
Maps API v3 Marker with Infowindow in Street View panorama
- Opens an Infowindow on a Street View panorama marker
Maps API v3 Multiple markers with single Infowindow
- Draw multiple markers that share a common Infowindow object
Maps API v3 Multiple markers with single Infowindow (Closure version)
- Draw multiple markers that share a common Infowindow object (Closure version)
- Google Documentation: Using closures in event listeners
Maps API v3 Symbol cut on tile edge
- Predefined and custom polyline symbols are cut off on tiles edges
- Bug report:
Maps API v3 set and remove polyline points
- Add and remove polyline points with map interactions
Maps API v3 Subtract triangle from rectangle
- Subtract a shape from another one
Maps API v3 Circle between 3 markers
- Draw a cricle that touches 3 markers
Maps API v3 Circle to shortest map canvas segment
- Create a circle that fits the shortest side of the map canvas
- Listen to editable Polygon events (set_at, insert_at, remove_at)
Maps API v3 allow to edit rectangle and expand further left or right
- Rectangles cannot be edited further left/right of 50% of the remaining distance to 360°
Maps API v3 display Polygon bounding box
- Draw a Polygon, get its paths and extend a LatLngBounds object to define a bounding box
Maps API v3 Data layer remove feature
- Load geojson data and manipulate the features
Maps API v3 Data layer manipulate single feature
- Manipulate one feature in a feature collection (show/hide) independently from other features
Maps API v3 Custom Control and geolocation
- Add a custom control to center map on user location.
Maps API v3 Custom Zoom control
- Add a custom zoom control
- Reverse geocode coordinates on a map
Maps API v3 Drag & drop locations on the map
- Geocode an address by dragging and dropping a label on the map
Maps API v3 Drag & drop locations on the map & place search box
- Geocode an address by dragging and dropping a label on the map (includes Places Search Box)
Maps API v3 Geocoder component restrictions
- Restrict geocoder to a specific country
- Feature request: filter by multiple countries
- Simple use of the Directions service
Maps API v3 Directions from/to buttons
- Get directions from InfoWindow buttons
Maps API v3 Directions Waypoints
- Directions service with waypoints and custom markers
Maps API v3 Directions with clickable Waypoints
- Directions service with waypoints and custom clickable markers.
Maps API v3 Directions with draggable waypoints
- Directions service with draggable waypoints and custom markers.
Maps API v3 Directions routes and steps
- Get all routes (alternates) steps and show them on the map
Maps API v3 Directions change polyline color
- Change the driving directions polyline color on the fly
Maps API v3 Directions dotted polyline
- Draw a dotted polyline for map Directions
Maps API v3 Directions with custom draggable markers
- Custom draggable markers to edit a Directions (with snap to road function)
Maps API v3 Draggable directions with alternate routes
- Displays directions alternatives with the ability to redraw routes when directions changed.
Maps API v3 Directions with InfoWindow
- Bind an InfoWindow to a Directions route by manually rendering the route
Maps API v3 Directions with InfoWindow with directions instructions
- Bind an InfoWindow to a Directions route by manually rendering the route and displaying each step instructions
Maps API v3 Directions with InfoWindow with distance from start
- Bind an InfoWindow to a Directions route by manually rendering the route and displaying distance from start
- Warning: this uses the overview Polyline which is less accurate than rendering each step Poyline
- Credits for distance calculation go to
Maps API v3 Directions with custom Polyline and Markers every 10 km
- Draw a Polyline from Directions overview path and place a Marker along the route every 10 km
Maps API v3 Directions legs and steps duration
- Legs come with "duration in traffic" but steps don't. This illustrates the differences between the 2 depending on what traffic model is used.
- StreetView panorama with default UI disabled
Maps API v3 Marker in Street View
- Place a Marker on a Street View and toggle between map and Street View
Maps API v3 Street View coverage layer
- Shows Street View coverage on a map, like on Google Maps when clicking on the pegman
- Maps API v3 Elevation Service
- Simple example use of the Elevation Service
Maps API v3 get heading between 2 points
- Calculate the heading between 2 coordinates using the Geometry library
Maps API v3 distance via API and Haversine formula
- Explicitly shows differences in calculation of a distance via the API geometry spherical methods and local Haversine calculation
Maps API v3 Search Nearby Places
- Search for nearby places using the Places Service
Maps API v3 Nearby place search and setInterval
- Drop place search result markers at a defined time interval
Maps API v3 Places Autocomplete
- Simple Places API autocomplete field
Maps API v3 Places Autocomplete set restrictions
- Set country component restrictions on the fly
- Use the searchBox class to perform a place serach and display results as markers
Maps API v3 Places Autocomplete Predictions
- Biaise autocomplete results based on location and retrieve predictions
Maps API v3 Place Search trigger
- Trigger a place search from a button
Maps API v3 Places Autocomplete Predictions from 2 fields
- Retrieve query predictions based on 2 input fields, render predictions with search highlighting
Maps API v3 Places Autocomplete Predictions simple
- Same as above but not as much style and a single field.
Maps API v3 Places Autocomplete Predictions with custom addresses
- Same as above but with inserting custom addresses on top of the returned predictions
- Maps API v3 Simple styled map
Maps API v3 Changing styles per zoom level
- Change map sytles depending on zoom level
- Toggle different feature types with checkboxes
- Change different feature types and elements with checkboxes
Maps API v3 Rounded styled map above base map & sync
- Hack to display a styled map of a rounded shape above a standard map
Maps API v3 OpenStreetMap tiles over Google Maps
- Embed OSM tiles over Google Maps
Maps API v3 OpenStreetMap as Map Type
- Switch between OpenStreetMap and Google imagery with map controls
Maps API v3 drawingManager get Polygon paths
- Retrieve paths from a Polygon overlay and create a Polygon
Maps API v3 drawingManager events
- Register events on a shape drawn with the drawingManager
Maps API v3 drawingManager stop drawing with ESC key
- Stop drawing a rectangle when hitting ESC key.
Maps API v3 drawingManager stop drawing polygons with ESC key
- Stop drawing a polygon when hitting ESC key. Same as above but for polygons. More info on the link below.
Maps API v3 drawingManager circle events
- Register events on a circle drawn with the drawingManager:
ReactJS Google Maps with geolocation using use-position
- React hook for following a browser geolocation: npm use-position
ReactJS Google Maps API Directions Service update values with useEffect / useState
- Uses
- Uses
Vue JS - Manually Loading Google Maps API
- Uses no package - manual loading
Vue JS - Dynamically add Autocomplete fields
- Dynamically add Autocomplete input fields and track their value
- Google Visualization API simple chart
- Draw a simple chart with the Visualization API
- Bootstrap 4 base template
- Fork to test
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