Record the assignment3 in the ISD course
The assignment request: The target of this assignment is practice design simple forms and to practice Java Servlet programming.
The applet you have designed for HW2 can show shapes with text in multiple ways. However, it lacks an interface. Now you need to design a form-based interface for this applet. The interface you will have to design consists of two parts. The top (or left) part of the Web page shows a form-based interface that allows a user to choose interactively any parameter of the applet listed in the Assignment 2 (i.e., message, color, font..._. The parameters can be chosen by any meaningful combination of HTML form elements - menus, fields, etc. At the bottom of this part "show banner" button should be provided. By pressing this button the user causes the appearance of the framed message with desired parameters in the bottom (or right) part of the Web page. The parameter-setting interface part should stay in the top (left) part all the time so that the user can change the parameters and try another message right away.
A way to achieve this functionality is quite simple from the programming side. Your servlet has to read the form parameters and generate the proper HTML code that embeds the call of the applet with the desired set of parameters. A special message about the applet size. To get the full credit, it is sufficient to have the size of the applet fixed. Please, use the same applet size as in HW2 in this case. You can get one extra point is your servlet will let the user to change the size of the applet too. In this case, the size of the applet has to be added to the form (150x300 is still a default value) and you should be able to diagnose or prevent an error when the size of an applet requested by the user is greater than 999x999.
This homework requires you to work in pairs, which have already been assigned. This homework will require you to do some technical work such as installing Tomcat Servlet Container and installing there your servlet.
The programming is not the only part that will be evaluated. You need to design a good form. The overall interface should be easy to use. Try to prevent as many input errors as possible and diagnose the rest of the errors. Assume that the user's goal is to explore Java graphic capabilities and to find a best combination of frame, font, and color for her task. This goal needs a lot of playing with options. Help the user in achieving this goal! To make sure that everyone understand the design challenges, the design part of the HW3 is due in one week after the homework is issued BEFORE the start of the next lecture. Prepare your form design using PowerPoint, HTML, or any mockup tool (a good list is shown in the links part of CourseWeb). Print your design and bring it to class. Get ready to present the design to the class.
As usual, you have to submit all your files (including class files) via assignment submission link. Please, archive all files and submit a zip file - no spaces in the name! In addition, the assignment is considered completed when your servlet is installed on our class Tomcat server. Following these instructions will ensure that your work will be installed in time.