A script to display book covers on large TVs (jumbotrons) using Alma and ContentCafe.
Create a physical items set in Alma of any criterea (New books, books on a certain subject, etc.). This can be either an itemized (static) list or a Logical (dynamic) list that updates in real time.
CoverCarousel reads the set and grabs the ISBN for each item and searches ContentCafe for a HQ image to display.
CoverCarousel downloads cover to local machine and an ongoing slideshow player loads the images.
Use Windows Task Scheduler to set the loader script to run once a day in the early morning, right before opening.
CoverCarousel is Windows-only (as of now).
CC makes use of FSViewer, an image slideshow app. Download the portable version here: https://www.faststone.org/FSIVDownload.htm
Place within the FSViewer64 folder.
If you download a newer version, change folder names and relative paths accordingly in the carousel_loader.ahk file.
To run the loader script, you will need to download AutoHotKey here: https://www.autohotkey.com/