A fun bot for Discord inspired by OrionSuperman's ThesaurizeThis Reddit bot. Given a sentence, it replaces each word with a synonym of that word.
You will need a Discord bot account and its corresponding token in order to proceed. There are good tutorials on how to do this elsewhere like this one.
This is the recommended method for deploying this application. Clone this repository and run the commands found below. Make sure to do them in the following order.
- First, add the namespace.
$ kubectl apply -f namespace.yml
- Create a secret with your bot token. Make sure your secret is in your clipboard.
$ cd deployments/
$ pbpaste > discord-token.txt
$ kubectl -n=thesaurize-bot create secret discord-token --from-file=./discord-token.txt && \
rm -f discord-token.txt; pbcopy ""
- Next, add the volume.
$ kubectl apply -f volume.yml
- Create the Redis service and load data into it.
$ kubectl apply -f redis.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f loader-job.yaml -f loader-scripts.yaml
- Finally, run the bot.
$ kubectl apply -f thesaurize.yaml