Project for Quantum Computing: Quantum Network Explorer (QNE) to Simulate Advanced Quantum Security Protocols. In particular, implement the paper "Anonimity for practical quantum networks". This application consists of the establishment of anonymous entanglement between a sender and a receiver in a quantum network with multiple agents. This entanglement can subsequently be used to share any arbitrary quantum state through quantum teleportation.
QNE require Linux or MacOS (up to date)
Create a virtual environment for the project
python -m venv myenvQNE
Activate it
source myenvQNE/bin/activate
Install packeges to build your projects/experiments
- qne-adk
pip install qne-adk
- SquidASM based on NetSquid
first register on install squidasm --extra-index-url=https://<netsquid-user-name>:<netsquid-password>
cd myenvQNE/anonymous-communication/src
netqasm simulate
You cannot run it with the following classical way because this application requires more qubits than the experiment mode provides.
cd myenvQNE
qne experiment create exp1 anonymous-communication europe
qne experiment run exp1