Major Project (Milestone 3 & 4) -> 1 & 2
Final year ISTN (Info Sys & Tech) Major Project (screenshots)
A matric upgrade registration system
This project comes in two parts
- Main ASP.NET project
- SQL Database project
- This project includes the ASP.NET Webforms and ASP.NET Web API 2
- The aslo uses LibMan to manage client side libraries
- This project comes all the database tables and views used in the project
NOTE: You have to publish the database to your desired SQL Server and change the connection string in web.config to match the one from your SQL-Server
(re)building the application will install required ASP packages from NuGet
- right-click on
A tutorial on how to manage and publish a database project on Visual Studio
note: Database name is MajorProjectDB
- right-click on
If it happen you encounter error
could not find a part of path c:\...\bin\roslyn\csc.exe
Cleaning and Rebuilding solution usually fix the error. Also refer to SO solution
- For phone number validation the project uses Twilio sms API and credetial for twilio are stored in the User Secrets file
Important note ⚡
Note: accounts created on the website default to
role. To createadmin
role accounts use this application ,a 'sort of' internal Winform Application to be used Admins. It work hand-in-hand with the site
- This project may not have the best database design😁, so definatly start with Database Table Relationships (Foriegn Keys)
- Add support Email verification/confirmation 📧✔ after signup (intergration with Identiy Framework
- Notification system was kinda impletemented in give or take 3hrs to deadline🤧 so yeah😑😬 it uses Polling🥵, which is definently not the best or effient solution. Improvements to it may include replacing Polling with Websockets using SignalR
- Removing Some redundant Interfaces
- Add Role management (CRUD) interface to be used by admin
- Add Teacher's portal (to manage upgrade marks for students)
Checkout sister project
Illustrations in this project are provided with ❤ by storyset