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MountainX edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the Voice Karma wiki!

Voice Karma is a VoIP client for Android (2.0 and above) that is very friendly with Google Voice. It is a fork of GV by Evan Charlton and it supports ad-hoc dialing, calling contacts, listening to voicemail, SMS, and more!

Evan has discontinued work on GV because Google released an official Google Voice Android application. However, Voice Karma doesn’t believe the community’s needs are completely satisfied by the official Google Voice application.

Voice Karma’s intention is to remain a full featured alternative to the official Google Voice app. I am not dissuaded by concerns about reinventing the wheel or duplicating Google’s official efforts. In fact, I think it is important to keep a full-featured alternative available.

Voice Karma will be a total replacement for the official Google Voice app (like the GV app has been). I do not think it is enough to provide an app that is merely complimentary and that just offers some features missing from the official app. The community needs a full alternative, and that’s what Voice Karma intends to be.

If anyone else feels the same way, get in touch with me and let’s move Voice Karma along.

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