- typescript -> ts
- javascript -> js
Users Registration
- It isn't allowed register more than one user with the same email address
- It isn't allowed register user without email address
Tags Registration
- It isn't allowed register more than one tag with the same name
- It isn't allowed register user without name
- It isn't allowed register a tag for non admin user
Compliment Registration
- It isn't allowed an user register a compliment for yourself
- It isn't allowed register a compliment for invalid users
- The user must be authenticated on the application
⚠️ Should you want to create this project from zero, run all of the commands below, if not, just run npm install --global yarn and yarn install instead⚠️
npm install --global yarn
yarn init -y
yarn add typescript -D (install TS only in development)
yarn tsc --init (create the tsconfig.json file)
yarn add express
yarn add @types/express -D
yarn add ts-node-dev -D (automatically convert TS to JS)
yarn add typeorm reflect-metadata sqlite3
yarn typeorm migration:create -n CreateUsers
yarn typeorm migration:run
yarn typeorm entity:create -n User (do this after added in the ormconfig.json the code "entitiesDir": "src/entity" below)
"cli": {
"migrationsDir": "src/database/migrations",
"entitiesDir": "src/entity"
yarn add uuid
yarn add @types/uuid -D
yarn add express-async-errors
yarn typeorm migration:create -n CreateTags
yarn typeorm migration:run
yarn typeorm entity:create -n Tag
yarn add jsonwebtoken
yarn add @types/jsonwebtoken -D
yarn typeorm migration:create -n AlterUserAddColumnPassword
yarn typeorm migration:run
yarn add bcryptjs
yarn add @types/bcryptjs -D
yarn typeorm migration:create -n CreateCompliments
yarn typeorm migration:run
yarn typeorm entity:create -n Compliment
yarn add class-transformer (It is a library that allows you to customize entities.)
yarn add cors (library needed when front-end makes API requests)
yarn add @types/cors -D
yarn add swagger-ui-express
yarn add @types/swagger-ui-express -D
- Useful commands:
yarn tsc (converte ts para js)
yarn dev (utilizado para rodar o projeto após a instalação do ts-node-dev)
- Configurations below in package.json is used to transform the code js in code ts using te ts-node-dev in a automatic way.
"scripts": {
"dev": "ts-node-dev src/server.ts"
- How to revert a migration:
yarn typeorm migration:revert