This API is a part of an educational and self-development project designed to detect and gather data about the presence of wild animals in urban areas. The API receives data from users and the BoarRoarDetector microservice and is connected to a PostgreSQL database hosted on Heroku. Example frontend project for this API is located here: WildAlertApp.
The solution architecture consists of multiple projects, each with a specific role in implementing the CQRS pattern.
1. WildAlert.API
The API project receives incoming requests, performs authorization checks, validates input, and delegates commands or queries to the appropriate handlers in the Application project.
2. WildAlert.Application
The Application project contains the core business logic of the system. It implements the command and query handlers, which are responsible for handling write operations (commands) and retrieving data (queries) from the underlying persistence layer. The Application project orchestrates the interactions between the API and the Persistence project.
3. WildAlert.Persistance
The Persistence project handles data persistence and access to the PostgreSQL database. It includes repositories, data models, and database-specific configuration.
4. WildAlert.UnitTests
The UnitTests project utilizes the NUnit testing framework and BDD style syntax of Given, When, Then.
5. WildAlert.IntegrationTests
This project will contain IntegrationTests in the future.
WildAlert.Shared and WildAlert.Tests.Shared contain shared utilites for other projects.
Ensure that Docker is running on your system. Build and run the Docker container. Execute the following command in the terminal:
docker-compose up -d
And start the project:
dotnet run
To access certain endpoints, API Key authentication is required.
Entity Framework Core
This project is licensed under the MIT License.