This is a simple copy of the table generation code from O'Neil et al.'s Star Schema Benchmark as described in the following paper:
Patrick O'Neil, Elizabeth (Betty) O'Neil and Xuedong Chen. "The Star Schema Benchmark," Online Publication of Database Generation program., January 2007.
dbgen -s 1 -T c
dbgen -s 1 -T p
dbgen -s 1 -T s
dbgen -s 1 -T d
(fact table lineorder.tbl)
dbgen -s 1 -T l
(for all SSBM tables)
dbgen -s 1 -T a
These commands should generate the following files: customer.tbl date.tbl lineorder.tbl part.tbl supplier.tbl
You can easily generate larger files by modifying the scale parameter (-s).
To generate the refresh (insert/delete) data set:
dbgen -s 1 -r 5 -U 4
where "-r 5" specifies refreshin fact n/10000 "-U 4" specifies 4 segments for deletes and inserts. This will create the files create delete.[1-4] and lineorder.tbl.u[1-4] with refreshing fact 0.05%.
This is strictly for research purposes.