A collection of components, themes and all kinds of elements that you can use in your game!
Have something you want to share with the community? This is the place! Just remember there are a few rules you must follow:
- Your contribution must be placed inside of one of the category folders (components, themes, etc)
- It must be in its own directory
- It must include a README.md file in markdown format with the following elements:
- One or more screenshots showing its functionality.
- Description
- Last version of Monogatari with which it's compatible
- Simple List of Features (Yes, a list)
- How to use it?
- It must include a LICENSE.md with the license with which your contribution is released (Must be an Open Source compatible one)
- Please comment your code so that others can understand it and use it correctly
Include a header in your code, here's a nice template:
* ==============================
* The Name of your Component/Theme/Asset
* ==============================
* Author: Your Name <example@example.com>
* Monogatari Version: 1.4.1
* Component Version: 0.1.0
* License: MIT | GPLv3 | etc
* ==============================