Signup for a free account or check out the documentation over at
Manually add "mondido/magento2-mondido": "dev-master"
to the require
node in your project's composer.json
. Next add the following to the repositories
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
Then run the following commands
$ composer update
$ bin/magento module:enable Mondido_Mondido
$ bin/magento setup:upgrade
$ bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
$ bin/magento setup:di:compile
Address information will be collected by Mondido Payments in the embedded iframe and sent to Magento in a webhook. Any information missing when the order is supposed to be created in the webhook needs to be fixed in the iframe first.
For now, the only supported shipping method is the flat rate shipping method. Use shopping cart promotions if free shipping is needed.
We can't guarantee that the webhook has fired and that the order has been created when the customer reaches the success page. Instead of tracking data from the order object, try tracking information directly from the quote.
Partial capturing will be added in a future version when the Mondido API supports it.
Please, feel free to create issues on our GitHub repository. Contact if you have specific problems for your account.