100 projects in 100 days. All the personal projects for Great professor and great course, really recommend it: 100 Days of Code - The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2021.
- Day 1: Island Name Generator (Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data)
- Day 2: BMI and tip calculator (Understanding Data Types and How to Manipulate Strings)
- Day 3: Pizza Order, Love Calculator, Treasure Islands (Control Flow and Logical Operators)
- Day 4: Rock Paper Scissors (Randomisation and Python Lists)
- Day 5: Password Generator (Python loops)
- Day 6: Escaping the maze (Python function)
- Day 7: Hangman (Complex Problem/First Game with ASCII Art)
- Day 8: Caesar Cipher (Function Parameters)
- Day 9: The Secret Auction (Dictionaries and Nesting)
- Day 10: Calculator (Function Return Values)
- Day 11: Blackjack
- Day 12: Scope and Namespacing in python
- Day 13: Debugging in Python
- Day 14: Higher Lower Game
- Day 15: Coffee Machine (Local development introduction)
- Day 16: Coffee Machine OOP Solution (OOP Introduction)
- Day 17: OOP Quiz Project with OpenTriviaDB (OOP Benefits)
- Day 18: Hirst Painting Project (Turtle and Graphical User Interface)
- Day 19: Turtle Race Project (Instances, State and Higher Order Functions)
- Day 20: Snake Game Part 1 (Animation & Coordinates)
- Day 21: Snake Game Part 2 (Inheritance & List Slicing)
- Day 22: Pong Game
- Day 23: Turtle Crossing Game
- Day 24: Mail Merge Request (Files, Path & Directories)
- Day 25: Working with CSV Data and the Pandas Library
- Day 26: NATO Pilot's Alphabet (List Comprehension)
- Day 27: Kilometer to Miles Conversion (Tkinter, *args, **kwargs)
- Day 28: Pomodoro Timer (Tkinter, dynamic typing)
- Day 29: Password Manager (Tkinter App)
- Day 30: Password Manager reviewed (Errors, Exceptions and JSON Data)
- Day 31: Flashcard APP Capstone Project
- Day 32: Automated Birthday Wisher (Send Email (SMTPLib) and manage date (Datetime))
- Day 33: Kanye Quote App (API Endpoints and parameters)
- Day 34: Quiz App (API Practice)
- [Work Trip : No computer] : 4 days
- Day 35: SMS Rain Alert (Authentication & Environment Variables)
- Day 36: Stock Alerts Project
- Day 37: Habit Tracking Project: API Post Requests & Headers
- Day 38: Workout Tracking Using Google Sheets
- Day 39-40: Api Capstone Deal Flight Catcher App
- Day 41: Introduction to HTML
- Day 42: Intermediate HTML