It's made to play a casual round of hangman.
First, you can choose, if you wanna play alone or with a friend.
If you play with a friend, one of you types in a word to search for, the other one can guess.
If you play alone, the program will challenge you with a word, random picked from a 200+ word list.
you have 6 misses, like normal hangman
Important: when you clone or download the whole repository, everything will work fine, but if you want only the hangman game, don't forget to download the word list and maybe you have to adjust the path of the list in the in line 12:
words = open("YOUR words.txt PATH").read().split()
You could also make your own wordlist, simply make a your_filename.txt document and write down your words, each one in a single line, without commas in between. And don't forget to link it into the file, like explained above.
A simple programm, which removes the spaces from your input
Enter a password and the programm will check for you, if it's a valid one
Example: Tr$macs187 is valid, icecreamcone is not
It takes an Englisch phrase and moves the first char of each word to the end of that word and expands the word by "ay"
Example: "My mother is old" -> "yMay othermay siay ldoay"
Takes a youtube link as an input and outputs only the video ID
Example: -> kbxkq_w51PM
The programm takes a encoded phrase, removes all nonalphabetic characters and turns the whole phrase around.
Example: d89%l++5r19o7W 9o=l6945le9H -> Hello World