The library provides a set of tools for quality assessment of Wikipedia articles. The library is based on the paper Assessing the Quality of Infomration on Wikipedia: A Deep Learning Approch by Wang & Li, 2019 with some modifications.
For better results based on mediawiki please check out articlequality
clone the repository and install the requirements
git clone
cd WikipediaTools
pip install -r requirements.txt
from wikipediatools.pagequality import QualityPredictor, FeatureSets, ModelType
# Create the best model
predictor = QualityPredictor()
# Select a feature set and a model
# predictor = Wikipredictor(FeaturesSet.STRUCTURE_FEATURES, ModelType.DeepNeuralNetwork)
# Or just the feature set, which will automatically select the best model
# predictor = Wikipredictor(FeaturesSet.READABILITY_SCORES)
# Predict using the title, which will use the the latest revision.
print(predictor.predict_quality("SpongeBob SquarePants"))
>>> High
# Or predict using the revision ID.
>>> High
from import SampleGenerator, FeatureSets
from zipfile import ZipFile
import pandas as pd
with ZipFile('', 'r') as file:
df = pd.read_csv("raw/dataset.csv"))
# Generate an evenly distributed dataset that contains 50 articles per grading
generator = SampleGenerator(grading_dataset=df, size_per_grading=50, random_state=99)
generator.get_features("path/to/save", FeatureSets.TEXT_STATISTICS)
# for multiple feature sets
# generator.get_features("path/to/save", [FeatureSets.TEXT_STATISTICS, FeatureSets.STRUCTURE_FEATURES])
# or simply use FeaturesSet.ALL
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.