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CM Trace

A Python tool to transform small traces, e.g., from SDF3 or CMLib into visually attractive Gantt charts or vector charts.

How to Get It

The cmtrace package can de cloned from GitHub

How to Use It


In a proper shell environment type:

python3 -m pip install cmtrace

Creating a trace

Use SDF3 to make a trace of the graph. E.g., for an FSM-SADF graph fsmsadfgraph.xml:

sdf3analyze-fsmsadf --algo trace --graph fsmsadfgraph.xml --seq a,b,b,a --traceFormat XML --traceFile trace.xml

This produces a trace file trace.xml. With this trace file, make an SVG graph as follows:

cmtrace trace.xml gantt.svg

This uses default settings. Settings can be configured in a YAML file and used as follows.

cmtrace -s settings.yaml trace.xml gantt.svg

More information about the settings can be found below.

TODO: for a vector trace?


    # width of the strokes of the firing rectangles
    firing-stroke-width: 0
    # firing-color-mode is one of the following: by-actor, by-scenario, by-token, by-iteration
    firing-color-mode: by-actor
    # alternate light and darker versions of the color for subsequent firings, especially useful when stroke width is 0
    alternate-color: true

    trace-length: 12
    font-size: 10
    trace-width: 2.5
    horizontal-scale: 5
    unit: 1.0
    # define how the numbers at the ticks on the horizontal axis are formatted in python format notation
    time-stamp-format: ":.2f"
    event-radius: 0.35

    # rows define the rows shown in the Gantt chart, referring to actors or actor groups defined in structure:groups
    rows: [A, B, C]
    # define groups of actors that can be referred on the row layout and in the color map
    # format:
    # RowName:  [ list of actor names ]
    # actor names are fully qualified with their scenario: scenario@actor
    # as a special case, an actor name in the list can be replaced by a list of two lists, a list of scenarios and a list of actor names
    # in that case the full Cartesian product, all combinations of scenarios and actors are included (see the examples below)
        A: [ a@A, b@A ]
        B: [
                [a, b],
        C: [
                [a, b],

    palette: [
        [255, 255, 0],
        [0, 255, 255],
        [255, 0, 255],
        [255, 0, 0],
        [0, 255, 0],
        [0, 0, 255]
    # map individual actor names, or groups of actors as defined in the structure section to color indices
    color-map: {
        A: 0,
        B: 1,
        C: 2
    # # map scenario names to color indices, used in by-scenario color mapping
    # color-map: {
    #     ss: 0,
    #     sl: 1,
    #     ls: 2,
    #     ll: 3,
    #     m: 4
    # }


The package is licensed under the MIT license.