A Python tool to transform small traces, e.g., from SDF3 or CMLib into visually attractive Gantt charts or vector charts.
The cmtrace
package can de cloned from GitHub
In a proper shell environment type:
python3 -m pip install cmtrace
Use SDF3 to make a trace of the graph. E.g., for an FSM-SADF graph fsmsadfgraph.xml
sdf3analyze-fsmsadf --algo trace --graph fsmsadfgraph.xml --seq a,b,b,a --traceFormat XML --traceFile trace.xml
This produces a trace file trace.xml
. With this trace file, make an SVG graph as follows:
cmtrace trace.xml gantt.svg
This uses default settings. Settings can be configured in a YAML file and used as follows.
cmtrace -s settings.yaml trace.xml gantt.svg
More information about the settings can be found below.
TODO: for a vector trace?
# width of the strokes of the firing rectangles
firing-stroke-width: 0
# firing-color-mode is one of the following: by-actor, by-scenario, by-token, by-iteration
firing-color-mode: by-actor
# alternate light and darker versions of the color for subsequent firings, especially useful when stroke width is 0
alternate-color: true
trace-length: 12
font-size: 10
trace-width: 2.5
horizontal-scale: 5
unit: 1.0
# define how the numbers at the ticks on the horizontal axis are formatted in python format notation
time-stamp-format: ":.2f"
event-radius: 0.35
# rows define the rows shown in the Gantt chart, referring to actors or actor groups defined in structure:groups
rows: [A, B, C]
# define groups of actors that can be referred on the row layout and in the color map
# format:
# RowName: [ list of actor names ]
# actor names are fully qualified with their scenario: scenario@actor
# as a special case, an actor name in the list can be replaced by a list of two lists, a list of scenarios and a list of actor names
# in that case the full Cartesian product, all combinations of scenarios and actors are included (see the examples below)
A: [ a@A, b@A ]
B: [
[a, b],
C: [
[a, b],
palette: [
[255, 255, 0],
[0, 255, 255],
[255, 0, 255],
[255, 0, 0],
[0, 255, 0],
[0, 0, 255]
# map individual actor names, or groups of actors as defined in the structure section to color indices
color-map: {
A: 0,
B: 1,
C: 2
# # map scenario names to color indices, used in by-scenario color mapping
# color-map: {
# ss: 0,
# sl: 1,
# ls: 2,
# ll: 3,
# m: 4
# }
The package is licensed under the MIT license.