Thirty Bees SMS Order Notification integration with MoceanAPI
Try for FREE now. 20 trial SMS credits will be given upon registration. Additional SMS credits can be requested and is subject to approval by MoceanAPI
- Download the latest
from our release page - Log in to your admin panel and open “Modules and Services” page
- Click on “Add a new module” button and then upload the
file you downloaded to your device. - After successfully uploading the module, click the “Install” button
After successful installation of the module you will need to set up the module with the basic settings. You must enter “MoceanAPI Key” , “MoceanAPI Secret” and “MoceanAPI From”
In the section “Admin Notification” you have the option to allow notifications to be received with each new order. Click Enable Admin Notification to “YES” and set your phone number and your message that you want to receive.Note: In admin message you can use the special characters from the section “Special Chars”
From this section you can turn off or include a status with its message. After changing the status in a order , the user will receive an SMS notification on his phone number Note: In all message fields you can use the special characters from the section “Special Chars”
Each sent message is saved in a log