A Map-Matching service aimed to match GPS coordinates with road network and more. This service uses Valhalla as routing engine. Essentially, this service is an API which uses the HTTP client of Valhalla to match GPS coordinates.
This project is related to a master thesis which is not complete yet and is a work in progress. You can find the latest version of the master thesis here. The thesis is written by Mohammadreza Amini with supervision of Prof. Mahmoud Sakr.
Here are some important points before running the service:
- To run the service, one must first make sure that a Valhalla server is running on port 8002. The installation procedure for Valhalla is detailed down below.
- Copy over the
and rename it to.env
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Run the service in development environment
npm run dev
# Run the service in production environment
npm run start
A user interface is coming in near future that facilitates the interaction with the service. In the meantime, an intermediary program should be used to interact with the server. Programs like Postman and Insomnia will let users to send HTTP requests and receive response. For example, to send a GPX file to this endpoint with Postman program, you can follow this tutorial. A GPX file could be uploaded to /api/matcher
endpoint and the service will return matched GPS points to route found in the file.
Installation from source always introduces a lot of problems with dependencies and is not an easy process. This is why we will be using a docker container (Valhalla Docker image by GIS • OPS ) which contains Valhalla installation and is easy and flexible to use. To install docker on Ubuntu, please visit this tutorial. After installing docker, follow these steps to setup the docker container:
- Make a directory that is going to be attached to docker container as a volume and will contain all necessary data for map and tiles.
mkdir valhalla_volume
- Download the related OSM file and put it in the created directory. You can visit this site to see all available OSM files. Here, we download the map of europe.
wget -O valhalla_volume/europe-latest.osm.pbf https://download.geofabrik.de/europe-latest.osm.pbf
- Run the docker container. As you can see, this exposes port 8002. So make sure that this port is not in use. This command will download the container and run it. It will start generating tiles from the given map and once it is finished, it will put all necessary data into the directory that we created in first step. Once this is finished, you can send HTTP requests to port 8002 and use tha Valhalla engine as you normally do.
docker run -dt --name valhalla_gis-ops -p 8002:8002 -v $PWD/valhalla_volume:/custom_files gisops/valhalla:latest
- For more documentation, please visit GitHub page of this container.
- At any point you can attach to the container to see if Valhalla tile generation is finished or to see the logs.
docker attach valhalla_gis-ops
- We can attach another volume to this container at any time and this container can contain, for example, a map of another region. This make this approach a really flexible approach.
This project is licensed under the MIT license.