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Demo an example of what is possible with Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management(ACM) running on OpenShift configuring other OpenShift clusters and xKS clusters. Use Tools like Crossplane to provision xKS clusters with ACM. Use CertManager to issue certificates with LetsEncrypt.

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Purpose of this repo is to demo an example of what is possible with Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management(ACM) running on OpenShift configuring other OpenShift clusters and xKS clusters. Repo is structured as a series of steps that can be followed for a particular example. Some steps can be skipped while others have a dependency on pre-completed steps.


General Prerequisites

Steps to Run

Create Kubernetes Clusters if Required

If you would like to use ACM to create clusters here is some tooling to help

OCP Clusters

xKS Clusters - Ansible

  • For xKS clusters you can use Ansible. Here's an example link below. Use Ansible to create xKS clusters. Link does not show integration between ACM and Ansible(AAP) for cluster creation - TODO

xKS Clusters - Crossplane

Basic Cluster Configuration

Cluster configuration that will serve as the base for our ACM Policies and all our other examples.

Apply our Base Configuration Policies via ACM

  • Create a namespace to host our ACM policies.

    oc new-project global-policies
  • Create the ManagedClusterSetBinding

    oc create -f ./managedclustersetbinding.yaml
  • Attach subscription-admin role to the user that requested the global-policies namespace above.

    oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user open-cluster-management:subscription-admin $(oc whoami)
  • Create an ACM Policy that does the following.

    • Create our global-policies namesapce in every Kubernetes Cluster
    • Create List Of PlacementRules we want ACM to use from the placmentrules folder and can be leveraged by other policies. PlacementRules are used as selectors to determine which clusters a policy should be applied to.Might need to run this command twice to allow the previous policy to be enforced..

    You can create the ACM policy via a pre-generated yaml:

    oc create -f ./policy-global-base/generated-policy.yaml


    You can edit the files in the folders and generate your own policy and then create:

    kustomize build ./policy-global-base --enable-alpha-plugins | oc create -f -

Install Operator Framework on xKS

With OLM provided we can run operators from on xKS clusters.

Operator Framework Steps Prerequisites

Install OLM on xKS Clusters

This will policy will install Operator Lifecyle Manager on every xKS cluster added into ACM:

  • Install OLM via the pre-generated yaml

    oc create -f ./xks-policies/xks-olm/generated-policy.yaml


  • Generate your own policy and then create

    kustomize build ./xks-policies/xks-olm/ --enable-alpha-plugins | oc create -f -

Crossplane Provisioning

Repo contains examples of using crossplane with ACM.

What example does repo provide?

  • ACM will install crossplane from crossplane helm repo.
  • ACM will also create crossplane providers for aws,azure,gcp.
  • ACM will also use crossplane to create xKS clusters(non-composition).
  • ACM will also attempt to import created clusters into ACM for management
  • Running steps in reverse should also delete/detach objects in ACM and Cloud Provider

Crossplane Provisioning Steps Prerequisites


1 Run ACM Policies and Applications to create repo and install crossplane. Make sure to run prerequisites above first.

  • Create via the pre-generated yaml

    oc create -f ./crossplane/generated-policy.yaml


  • Generate your own policy and then create

    kustomize build --enable-alpha-plugins ./crossplane/ | oc create -f -

2 When Crossplane is installed and crossplane providers created. We need to create credentials for respective cloud providers that crossplane can use to access the cloudprovider API.

Setup AWS Provider:

Sample Setup

export aws_profile=...
export BASE64ENCODED_AWS_ACCOUNT_CREDS=$(echo -e "[default]\naws_access_key_id = $(aws configure get aws_access_key_id --profile $aws_profile)\naws_secret_access_key = $(aws configure get aws_secret_access_key --profile $aws_profile)" | base64  | tr -d "\n")

Create AWS ProviderConfig

cat ./crossplane/crossplane-providerconfig-templates/aws_provider.yaml | envsubst | oc apply -f -

Setup Azure Provider:

Sample Setup

  • If you already have your credentials/service principal/resourcegroup you can export them as variables.

    export CLIENT_ID=""
    export PASSWORD=""
    export TENANT=""
    export SUBSCRIPTION=""
    export RESOURCEGROUP=""
    export BASE64ENCODED_AZURE_PROVIDER_CREDS=$(cat ./crossplane/crossplane-providerconfig-templates/azure_credentials.json | envsubst | base64 | tr -d "\n")

    If you dont have created credentials, follow ProviderConfig steps

  • With your credentials from step above create your Azure ProviderConfig

    cat ./crossplane/crossplane-providerconfig-templates/azure_provider.yaml | envsubst | oc apply -f -

Setup GCP Provider:
Sample Setup


3 Create Crossplane Resources required for specific xKS Cluster. See Samples for Provider Resources and Clusters below.

EKS Cluster Sample

Edit the aws resources manifests folder as required for your own situation.A tested minimal example is provided.

  • Use ACM application to create AWS Resources:

    oc apply -k ./crossplane/crossplane-resources/aws/acm-app/
  • Use ACM application to create xKS Clusters.This will provision all the defined xKS clusters so if you are creating other xks clusters you might want to run the resources commands like above for those clouds.To edit which clusters you want created, edit the kustomization.yaml.
    Please note there seems to be a bug where the cluster application appears blank.Application still works,will file a bug.

    oc apply -k ./crossplane/crossplane-clusters/acm-app/
  • To create new clusters make copies of the eks-cluster-1 sample under ./crossplane/crossplane-clusters/acm-app/ and crossplane-eks-cluster1 under eks-cluster-overlays.

AKS Cluster Sample

Edit the azure resources manifests folder as required for your own situation.A tested minimal example is provided.

  • Example provided does not create resourcegroup, and hardcodes the value of the resourcegroupname

  • To replace the hardcoded value of resourcegroupname with your pre-created resourgroup.

    grep -rli 'resourcegroup-replaceme' * | grep yaml | xargs -i@ sed -i 's/resourcegroup-replaceme/'${RESOURCEGROUP}'/g' @


  • If you do not have a pre-created resourgreoup, and would like the resourcegroup to be created as part of the list of objects.

    Run Utility script to update manifests or update manifests manually

     ./crossplane/crossplane-utlility-scripts/ ${RESOURCEGROUP}
  • Use ACM application to create Azure Resources:

    oc apply -k ./crossplane/crossplane-resources/azure/acm-app/
  • Use ACM application to create xKS Clusters.This will provision all the defined xKS clusters.To edit which clusters you want created, edit the kustomization.yaml.
    Please note there seems to be a bug where the cluster application appears blank.Application still works,will file a bug.

    oc apply -k ./crossplane/crossplane-clusters/acm-app/

GKE Cluster Sample

Crossplane AWS LB Controller Addon

Leveraging crossplane and Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management we can also do ancillary provisioning steps like creating an EKS Ingress Controller.

Crossplane AWS LB Controller Addon Prerequisites

Crossplane AWS LB Controller Addon Steps

  • Use ACM/Crossplane to create the IAM Role Permission Policy and Helm EKS Charts Repo.Make sure created ACM policy object is compliant before next steps.
    Create via the pre-generated yaml

    oc create -f ./xks-policies/policy-eks-ingresscontroller/crossplane-aws-lb-controller/global/generated-policy.yaml


    Generate your own policy and then create

    kustomize build --enable-alpha-plugins ./xks-policies/policy-eks-ingresscontroller/crossplane-aws-lb-controller/global/ | oc create -f -
  • Use ACM/Crossplane to create the OpenID Provider in AWS.Make sure created ACM policy object is compliant before next steps.

    oc apply -k ./xks-policies/policy-eks-ingresscontroller/crossplane-aws-lb-controller/overlays/eks-cluster-1/oidc/
  • Use ACM/Crossplane to create the AWS LoadBalancer Control Role and attach our previously created IAM permission policy.Make sure created ACM policy object is compliant before next steps.

    oc apply -k ./xks-policies/policy-eks-ingresscontroller/crossplane-aws-lb-controller/overlays/eks-cluster-1/role/
  • Use ACM/Crossplane to create the AWS LoadBalancer ServiceAccount on EKS-Clusters.

    oc apply -k ./xks-policies/policy-eks-ingresscontroller/crossplane-aws-lb-controller/overlays/eks-cluster-1/sa/
  • Use ACM subscription to install helm eks ingress-controller application.

    oc apply -k ./xks-policies/policy-eks-ingresscontroller/crossplane-aws-lb-controller/overlays/eks-cluster-1/subscription/
  • OPTIONAL: Use ACM to deploy AWS Sample Ingress Application.

    oc apply -k ./xks-policies/policy-eks-ingresscontroller/crossplane-aws-lb-controller/overlays/eks-cluster-1/aws-sample-app/
  • OPTIONAL: Verify Sample APP URL.Please note it might take a few minutes for the url of the sample nlb to become resolvable/accessible.

    mkdir /tmp/kubeconfig && oc extract secret/eks-cluster-1 -n crossplane-system --keys=kubeconfig --to=/tmp/kubeconfig && oc get svc/nlb-sample-service -n nlb-sample-app -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}' --kubeconfig /tmp/kubeconfig/kubeconfig

Nginx Ingress Controller

Leveraging Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management we can also do ancillary provisioning steps like creating an Nginx Ingress Controller on our xKS Clusters.

Nginx Ingress Controller Prerequisites

Nginx Ingress Controller Steps

  • Use ACM to create Helm Nginx Charts Repo.Make sure created ACM policy object is compliant before next steps.
    Create via the pre-generated yaml

    oc create -f ./xks-policies/policy-xks-nginx-ingresscontroller/global-generator/generated-policy.yaml


    Generate your own policy and then create

    kustomize build --enable-alpha-plugins ./xks-policies/policy-xks-nginx-ingresscontroller/global-generator | oc create -f -
  • Use ACM to to install Nginx IngressController Chart on EKS.Make sure created ACM policy object is compliant before next steps.
    Create via the pre-generated yaml

    oc create -f ./xks-policies/policy-xks-nginx-ingresscontroller/eks-overlay-generator/generated-policy.yaml


    Generate your own policy and then create

    kustomize build --enable-alpha-plugins ./xks-policies/policy-xks-nginx-ingresscontroller/eks-overlay-generator/ | oc create -f -
  • Use ACM to to install Nginx IngressController Chart on AKS.Make sure created ACM policy object is compliant before next steps.
    Create via the pre-generated yaml

    oc create -f ./xks-policies/policy-xks-nginx-ingresscontroller/aks-overlay-generator/generated-policy.yaml


    Generate your own policy and then create

    kustomize build --enable-alpha-plugins ./xks-policies/policy-xks-nginx-ingresscontroller/aks-overlay-generator/ | oc create -f -

Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security(RHACS)

Repo provides an example of using ACM to install Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security on OCP Clusters and on xKS Clusters.

What example does repo provide?

  • ACM will install ACS Operator on OCP Clusters
  • ACM will install ACS Central on OCP Hub
  • ACM will install ACS SecuredCluster on OCP Clusters
  • ACM will install ACS SecuredCluster via Helm on xKS Clusters

Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security Prerequisites


1 Create Placementrules we will leverage for ACS Policies. Make sure to run prerequisites above first.

oc apply -k ./acs/acs-placementrules/

2 Create ACS Operator installation policy for all OpenShift Clusters.

  • Create via the pre-generated yaml

    oc create -f ./acs/acs-operator/generated-policy.yaml


  • Generate your own policy and then create

    kustomize build --enable-alpha-plugins ./acs/acs-operator | oc create -f -

3 Create ACS Central policy for only hub Openshift Cluster.

  • Create via the pre-generated yaml

    oc create -f ./acs/acs-central/generated-policy.yaml


  • Generate your own policy and then create

    kustomize build --enable-alpha-plugins ./acs/acs-central | oc create -f -

4 Create ACS SecuredClusters Policy for Openshift Clusters.

  • Create via the pre-generated yaml

    oc create -f ./acs/acs-ocp-operator-secured-instance/generated-policy.yaml


  • Generate your own policy and then create

    kustomize build --enable-alpha-plugins ./acs/acs-ocp-operator-secured-instance | oc create -f -

5 Create Image Secret Pull Policy to allow ACS Pods pull required images.

  • Create policy to allow ACS pods access pull-secret

    oc create -f ./acs/acs-xks-helm-secured-instance/policy-pullsecret.yaml

6 Create ACS SecuredClusters Policy for xKS Clusters.
Policy presently creates a job which then creates an ACM helm securedcluster application for each xks managedcluster.You can add new xks clusters by deleting the job and allowing ACM recreate it.
TODO: Research a way to accomplish without using a Job.

  • Create via the pre-generated yaml

    oc create -f ./acs/acs-xks-helm-secured-instance/generated-policy.yaml


  • Generate your own policy and then create

    kustomize build --enable-alpha-plugins ./acs/acs-xks-helm-secured-instance/ | oc create -f -


Example provided uses cert-manager with ACME and Route53 so requires AWS Credentials.

cert-manager-example Prerequisites

  • Run Basic Cluster Configuration steps from above.

  • User running commands must have subscription-admin privilege. Sample Solution

  • Use ACM to to install the Cert-Manager Operator On OpenShift.Example presently uses Tech-Preview Version, update manifest if GA.

    Create via the pre-generated yaml

    oc create -f ./cert-manager/ocp-cert-manager-operator/generated-policy.yaml


    Generate your own policy and then create

    kustomize build --enable-alpha-plugins ./cert-manager/ocp-cert-manager-operator | oc create -f -
  • Use ACM to to install Cert-Manager Operator On xKS. You can change between the community and Red Hat supported versions in Policy Generator

    Create via the pre-generated yaml.

    oc create -f ./cert-manager/xks-cert-manager/cert-manager-operator/generated-policy.yaml


    Generate your own policy and then create

    kustomize build --enable-alpha-plugins ./cert-manager/xks-cert-manager/cert-manager-operator/ | oc create -f -
  • Use ACM to create ACME ClusterIssuer(LetsEncrypt).Step will use your LetsEncypt email address to create Acme ClusterIssuer.


    Create via the pre-generated yaml.

    cat ./cert-manager/ocp-cert-manager-acme-ca/generated-policy.yaml | envsubst | oc create -f -


    Generate your own policy and then create.

    kustomize build --enable-alpha-plugins ./cert-manager/ocp-cert-manager-acme-ca/ | envsubst | oc create -f -
  • Use ACM to create ACME Certificates for OCP Wildcard Domains

    oc create -f ./cert-manager/ocp-cert-manager-acme-certrequests/generated-policy.yaml


    Generate your own policy and then create.

    kustomize build --enable-alpha-plugins ./cert-manager/ocp-cert-manager-acme-certrequests/ | oc create -f -  

Attach Subscription Admin Policy to your user if necessary

 oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user open-cluster-management:subscription-admin $(oc whoami)


Demo an example of what is possible with Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management(ACM) running on OpenShift configuring other OpenShift clusters and xKS clusters. Use Tools like Crossplane to provision xKS clusters with ACM. Use CertManager to issue certificates with LetsEncrypt.







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