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Setup Environment

Mohamed E. Masoud edited this page Dec 30, 2023 · 14 revisions

Basically, HistoJS has a front-end, Flask as the back-end framework, and an images database (i.e., Digital Slide Archive) —it can be conceptualized as having three layers:

  • JavaScript UI Layer (Front-End): This is the layer that the end-users interact with, and can handle the browsing and OME-TIFF channels grouping phase.

  • Flask (Back-End) Layer: This Python layer, powered by Flask, handles the analysis phase.

  • Data Layer (Digital Slide Archive): This is where OME-TIFF data is stored, retrieved, and managed. It includes a data management system and Rest APIs to handle the requests.

Flask (Back-End) Layer:

  • Install requirements
    3.4 < python < 3.8  is recommended

For deploying HistoJS on a cluster or a local client-side machine, first download or clone HistoJS repository:

    git clone
    cd HistoJS

Then create histojs conda environment:

    conda env create -f histojs.yml

After creating the histojs environment, from the root level of the repository open a new terminal, activate the environment and run the python Rest Api file:

    source activate histojs

JavaScript UI Layer (Front-End):

  • To run the local host in the browser, start up a simple local server from the root level of the repository with any available port number 8xxx (e.g., 8020)
    python -m http.server 8xxx
  • In the browser URL, open the local host with the selected port number (e.g., 8020):

The following demo summarizes the above steps. However, the conda environment creation was bypassed in that demo because it was already created before.


Data Layer (Digital Slide Archive):

For using the backbone Digital Slide Archive (DSA) server (e.g., Styx ), you need to create a user account on any DSA server and upload your OME-TIFF image, cells mask (Optional), and the channels metadata CSV file to your collection as in this link:

Please note: if the name of the OME image file is $fileName$.ome.tif (e.g. TONSIL-1_40X.ome.tif), the optional cell mask image name must be $fileName$_cellMask.tiff (e.g., TONSIL-1_40X_cellMask.tiff), and the Channel metadata CSV file name should be $fileName$_channel_metadata.csv (e.g., TONSIL-1_40X_channel_metadata.csv)


DSA example of OME-TIFF data hosting (Data source: Rashid et al)

The Channel metadata CSV file must have at least two columns: 'channel_number' and 'channel_name' :

Screenshot 2023-12-29 at 13-10-48 LUNG-3-PR_40X_channel_metadata

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