- About
- Preview
- Features
- Screenshots
- Demo
- Requirements
- Installation
- Customizing Mercurius
- Roadmap
- Support
- Contributing
- Changelog
- Credits
- Copyright & License
Mercurius is a real-time messenger system using Laravel and Vue.js, featuring a complete application that you can easily install with any Laravel project.
- Real-time Messenger
- Responsive
- Multilingual
- Browser notifications
- Unique UX, with dark and light theme
- Lazy load messages
- Remove conversations and messages
- Search recipients with auto-complete
Click thumbs to enlarge image
You can try a demo of Mercurius. Authenticate using any of the following credentials:
Password: password
Tip: Open 2 different browsers and login with different usernames, so you can test send/receiving messages.
- Laravel 5.6 or 5.7
- Pusher account
- Vue.js 2.0
- Bootstrap 4
If you don't have an account, create a free one on pusher.com website. Go to the dashboard, create a new app and take note of the API credentials.
Now, let's add the API keys to the .env
Also, change the BROADCAST_DRIVER
to pusher
(default is log
Open config/app.php
and uncomment the line App\Providers\BroadcastServiceProvider::class,
Skip this step if authentication is already setup, otherwise type:
php artisan make:auth
composer require launcher/mercurius
If you want to change the default configuration, publish the config file, by typing the command:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=mercurius-config
For editing the config, open /config/mercurius.php
and add your own values.
return [
| Mercurius Models
| Defines the models used with Mercurius, use it to extend Mercurius and
| create your own implementation.
'models' => [
'user' => App\User::class,
'messages' => Launcher\Mercurius\Models\Message::class,
php artisan mercurius:install
composer dump-autoload
php artisan db:seed --class=MercuriusDatabaseSeeder
Will add Messages and Users to the system, like in the demo example:
Demo Users:
- Ian:
- Noa:
- Lua:
Password: password
Please see Customizing-Mercurius for more information.
Check the roadmap for more information.
- Unit Tests
- Typing indicator
- Broadcast user status (when he goes on/off)
- Conversation with multiple users
- Search in messages content
- Upload photos and attach files
- Preview images and videos
- Emoji support
- Video Chat
- Support socket.io
- Web Hooks
- Create a new issue
- Join us on Slack Channel
Please see CONTRIBUTING for more information.
We keep a CHANGELOG with the information that has changed.
Copyright 2018 Bruno Torrinha. Mercurius is released under the MIT License.