✏️This is a simple drawing website with basic functions like increasing the size of the brush from 5 to 50, changing the colors of the brushes , etc ❗
➡️ By default I made the brush size to be 14, and the color of the brush to be black.
➡️ So if we scribble/draw something on the white board, it will be in the size of 14 and black in color.
➡️ We can change the color of the brush by clicking on the color icon present in the toolbox.
➡️ Changed the color and size of the brush to purple and 30 respectively.
➡️ Decreased the size of the brush to 5(minimum size provided in the canvas) and changed the color to red.
➡️ After clearing the screen using the clear icon in the toolbox, the white board will get cleaned, but the information of the brush which you used last will be saved.