✏️ A simple website to show the weather forecast of cities all over the world ❗
➡️ The homepage have 2 search bars for countries and cities. It is not compulsory to enter both the country and city name. But, if there are more cities with the same name, it is recommended to search the city along with its country name ❗
➡️ The website is designed in such a way that it displays the temperature, humidity, longtitude, latitude of the city and the svg of the climate ❗
➡️ Some Examples ❗
➡️ The information is displayed using an API. An API provides a fast, consistent and reliable way to get third party data. An API may be used for database communication between web applications. By extracting the implementation and relinquishing data into objects, an API simplifies programming ❗
➡️ The API used here : (https://openweathermap.org/api)