My hobby project :) I just like public transport :) Still under heavy development.
Currently supported cities:
- Prague - for more details about integration see my simple php wrapper for official PID api -
Components and features:
- List of all stops
- Ability do download stop times (time of leave) for stop
- Get available vehicles position
- Departure table to stop
- Current position of vehicles (map)
- Statistic for vehicle lines
- Parkings lots (capacity, location, current occupancy)
- Current transport restrictions (view them directly or in departure table if that affect any line)
For deploy look at - deploy is divided into second project, since my Raspberry PI runs only in my network and is not accessible from CI/CD :)
- PHP 7.4
- Nette 3.0 components
- Doctrine ORM
- RabbitMQ, MariaDB
- PHPStan, ECS, Nette tester
- Yarn
- Webpack (Symfony encore bundle)
- Naja.js
- ESL lint
- Bootstrap 4
config.local.neon requrired configuration
host: ''
user: ''
password: ''
dbname: ''
accessToken: ''
apiToken: ''
user: ''
password: ''
host: ''
port: ''
Download data for single departure table
bin/console requests:generate '{"generateDepartureTables":true,"generateVehiclePositions":false}' '{"departureTableId": "bb7266f2-f3c2-48f5-852f-4555e065c8d8"}'
Download stops
bin/console prague:import:stop
Generate statistics
bin/console prague:statistic:generate 2
bin/console rabbitmq:consumer pragueDepartureTableConsumer 300
bin/console rabbitmq:consumer pragueVehiclePositionConsumer 300
bin/console rabbitmq:consumer pragueTransportRestrictionConsumer 300
bin/console rabbitmq:consumer pragueParkingLotConsumer 300
*/2 * * * * cd /var/www/sites/ && bin/console requests:generate '{"generateDepartureTables":false,"generateVehiclePositions":true, "generateTransportRestrictions": false, "generateParkingLots": false}' '{}'
5 0 * * * cd /var/www/sites/ && bin/console requests:generate '{"generateDepartureTables":true,"generateVehiclePositions":false, "generateTransportRestrictions": false, "generateParkingLots": false}' '{}'
50 0 * * * bin/console prague:statistic:generate 2
10 1 * * * bin/console prague:import:stop
*/30 * * * * bin/console prague:requests:halfHour