A Bucket List is a list of things that one has not done before but wants to do before dying. This is an API for an online Bucket List service using Node JS.
The building blocks for this Bucket List API Service are:
Node JS
In order to run the bucketlist API backend, change directory into the project folder. First of all, install all the requirements by running:
npm install
nodemon server.js
This will start the server at
URL Endpoint | HTTP Request | Resource Accessed | Access Type |
/api/bucketlists/auth/register | POST | Register a new user | publc |
/api/bucketlists/auth/login | POST | Login and retrieve token | public |
/api/bucketlists | POST | Create a new Bucketlist | private |
/api/bucketlists | GET | Retrieve all bucketlists for user | private |
/api/bucketlists/<buckelist_id> | GET | Retrieve a bucketlist by ID | private |
/api/bucketlists/<bucketlist_id> | PUT | Update a bucketlist | private |
/api/bucketlists/<bucketlist_id> | DELETE | Delete a bucketlist | private |
/api/bucketlists/<bucketlist_id>/items/ | GET | Retrieve items in a given bucket list | private |
/api/bucketlists/<bucketlist_id>/items/ | POST | Create items in a bucketlist | private |
/api/bucketlists/<bucketlist_id>/items/<item_id> | DELETE | Delete an item in a bucketlist | private |
/api/bucketlists/<bucketlist_id>/items/<item_id> | PUT | update a bucketlist item details | private |