This is a student project for course CPSC210. It primarily does three things.
Provides an overview of all days in a month and put them into a calendar view.
Inform the user a niche holiday is happening when it is happening. and also provides some basic information about that niche holiday.
Provide information of Niche Holiday about any date the user is curious of.
This program is designed for
- Anyone looking for some extra nicheness in their life.
- Anyone wishing to be able to provide fun facts in a party or gathering
- Anyone dedicating to celebrating a certain niche holiday but have memory so terrible so they can't memorize those themselves.
I decide to take on this project because it is something I will need in my life and I think it will do other people some help.
Used JSON libraries from:
Persistence package and its corresponding tests are largely taken from due to similarities in data types.
Here is an instance of P2T2 opening the program(with pre-loaded glossary loading), adding and removing the 3-14 Pie Day:
" Wed Apr 12 18:36:44 PDT 2023 Loaded the default Glossary
Wed Apr 12 18:37:28 PDT 2023 Added: PIE Day 3-14
Wed Apr 12 18:37:37 PDT 2023 Removed: PIE Day 3-14 "
Given more time, I will refactor the method printCalendar() in class NicheCalendarGUI into the class NicheDate because in GUI all it does is to produce a string and that should be a task for model instead of UI. I will likely also make a few more exceptions regarding to repeated attempts of adding NicheHoliday onto the same day in a year.
Also I will likely create a selection box in UI so the user will be able to pick the save file they want to load and save their holiday glossary and I can rewrite the default glossary as a json file instead of a NicheHoliday array that looks weird.