A lightweight Minter Wallet implementation. Forked from ethereumjs-wallet
It is complemented by the following packages:
- minter-js-sdk complete JS solution to work with Minter
- minterjs-util utility functions
Motivations are:
- be lightweight
- work in a browser
- support BIP39 mnemonic phrases
- support BIP32 HD keys
Features not supported:
- signing transactions
- managing storage (neither in node.js or the browser)
- conversion between various wallet formats
npm install minterjs-wallet
or from browser
<script src="https://unpkg.com/minterjs-wallet"></script>
const wallet = minterWallet.generateWallet();
const wallet2 = minterWallet.walletFromMnemonic('...');
// use async for better performance
const wallet3 = await minterWallet.walletFromMnemonicAsync('...');
Mnemonic wallets are generated by a BIP-0044 path, Ethereum path is used by default "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0"
Generates wallet from a random BIP39 mnemonic phrase (uses bip39.generateMnemonic()
under the hood).
import {generateWallet} from 'minterjs-wallet';
const wallet = generateWallet();
Create a wallet instance based on BIP39 12 words mnemonic phrase
import {walletFromMnemonic} from 'minterjs-wallet';
const wallet = walletFromMnemonic('surround tape away million into program organ tonight write prefer inform cool');
Same as walletFromMnemonic
but async and has better performance in browser, because it uses window.crypto.subtle
under hood
import {walletFromMnemonicAsync} from 'minterjs-wallet';
const wallet = await walletFromMnemonicAsync('surround tape away million into program organ tonight write prefer inform cool');
Create a wallet instance based on a raw private key
import {walletFromPrivateKey} from 'minterjs-wallet';
const privateKeyBuffer = Buffer.from('ef2af2385681c490bc473c2f7e6097fc1a38e6f67b44b81a3350a6583aadd144', 'hex')
const wallet = walletFromPrivateKey(privateKeyBuffer);
Return the address: 20 bytes length Buffer or Uint8Array
// [88,108,62,182,16,84,7,36,101,31,244,29,32,158,20,41,238,62,68,154]
Return the Minter-style address
// 'Mx586c3eb610540724651ff41d209e1429ee3e449a'
Return the mnemonic phrase: 12 words string. Note: Only works with instance created/generated from mnemonic, otherwise it will throw an error.
// 'surround tape away million into program organ tonight write prefer inform cool'
Return the private key: 32 bytes length Buffer or Uint8Array
// [239,42,242,56,86,129,196,144,188,71,60,47,126,96,151,252,26,56,230,246,123,68,184,26,51,80,166,88,58,173,209,68]
Return the private key string of 64 hex characters
// 'ef2af2385681c490bc473c2f7e6097fc1a38e6f67b44b81a3350a6583aadd144'
Return the uncompressed Ethereum-style public key: 64 bytes length Buffer or Uint8Array
// [251,82,201,189,133,251,174,27,6,6,18,34,12,222,116,254,99,169,65,249,135,81,170,13,35,99,50,6,231,95,48,69,41,47,96,75,240,242,9,77,23,168,173,59,137,223,128,80,144,69,34,91,145,21,255,133,112,189,68,8,42,245,210,116]
Return the Minter-style public key string
// 'Mpfb52c9bd85fbae1b060612220cde74fe63a941f98751aa0d23633206e75f3045'
Generate random 12 words mnemonic phrase. Exposed bip39.generateMnemonic()
import {generateMnemonic} from 'minterjs-wallet';
const mnemonic = generateMnemonic();
// 'surround tape away million into program organ tonight write prefer inform cool'
Check that given mnemonic is valid, returns boolean
, uses bip39.validateMnemonic()
under the hood.
import {isValidMnemonic} from 'minterjs-wallet';
const isValid = isValidMnemonic('surround tape away million into program organ tonight write prefer inform cool');
// true
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