Welcome on my profile page !
Here you can find all the work I've done so far.
I'm a 20 years old french student, studying at UTBM.
I'm learning Maths and Computer Science.
I've worked on :
- Upsilon is my own fork from Upsilon.
- Python-for-Numworks which contain a lot of programs in python for the Numworks calculator.
- Mathsup Is a WIP project to interact easily between Maths Objects (Matrices, Polynomials, etc..). It can be view as a better implementation of Python-for-Numworks, because many function are in both (but in C).
- container Is a WIP management tool that aims to improve loading/unloading containers from ships.
- MNIST Is my current work on basic IA understanding, with a demo.
- Boggle, a game-console to play the Boggle (find words using letter in a grid) in C (UV: IF2).
- BeerAdvisor, a website / social media about beers, using html, php and SQL (UV: IF3E).
- Project-LO21_A22, it's a simplified version of genetic algorithms, which is one of the approaches to solve optimization problems (UV: LO21).
- Project-LP25_A22, a multi-threaded email parser (UV: LP25).
- Project-AP4A_A23, a small sensor manager app in C++ (UV: AP4A).
- TuringMachine-AP4B_A23, TuringMachine game implementation in Java (UV: AP4B).
- W-WE4A_P24, a social network in php W: "winners!" (UV: WE4A).
- Kareer-WE4B_P24, a multi-company job board, HR side & Job seeker side (UV: WE4B)
- TSP-Methods_P24, different solving method for the Traveling Salesman Problem (UV: IT45)