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CNL Generation Algorithm
The below algorithm (Algorithm 1), describes how the CNL tree is constructed. The starting node represents the input concept or the starting position. This initial node is then expanded (linked) with additional nodes, based on the traversal. After the construction is completed, traversing the constructed node (Algorithm 2) results in the verbalized output.
1: procedure build_cnl_tree
, vocabulary
, collected_triples
, instance_stats
2: sparql_query ← build SPARQL query for start_node
's path
3: query_results ← execute query on graph
4: is_normalized ← False
5: for each pattern
in patterns
6: if pattern.check(query_results)
7: query_results ← pattern.normalize(start_node, collected_triples)
8: is_normalized ← True
9: instance_stats.patterns_evaluated ← instance_stats.patterns_evaluated + 1
10: break
11: end if
12: end for
13: start_node.display_label ← vocabulary.get_class_label(start_node.concept)
14: for each (predicate, object_node)
in query_results
15: predicate_label ← vocabulary.get_relationship_label(predicate)
16: if predicate_label
= Vocabulary.IGNORE_VALUE then
17: collected_triples.append((start_node.concept, predicate, object_node)
18: continue
19: next_node ← create VerbalizationNode
for object_node
20: new_edge ← create VerbalizationEdge
, next_node
21: new_edge.display_label ← predicate_label
22: start_node.add_edge(new_edge
23: collected_triples.append((start_node.concept, predicate, next_node.concept)
24: instance_stats.relationship_counter[predicate] ← instance_stats.relationship_counter[predicate] + 1
25: if object_node
is URIRef then
26: object_display_label ← vocabulary.get_class_label(object_node)
27: else if object_node
is Literal then
28: object_display_label ← object_node.toPython()
29: else if object_node
is BNode then
30: build_cnl_tree(next_node
, vocabulary
, collected_triples
, instance_stats
31: continue
32: else
33: object_display_label ← None
34: end if
35: next_node.display_label ← object_display_label
36: end for
37: end procedure
1: procedure verbalize
2: sentences ← create empty list
3: for each edge
in self.references
4: sentence ← call edge.verbalize().strip()
5: append sentence
to sentences
6: display_label ← self.display
7: if is_blank_node(self.concept)
8: display_label ← empty string
9: if length(sentences)
≥ 2 then
10: next_text ← combine sentences with , and
and wrap in parentheses
11: else if length(sentences)
= 1 then
12: next_text ← first item in sentences
13: else
14: next_text ← empty string
15: if is_vowel(display_label[0])
16: indefinite_article ← 'an '
17: else
18: indefinite_article ← 'a '
19: return indefinite_article + display_label + next_text
20: end procedure