MiStoryView is a simple configurable library to integrate stories features into your social media android application.
- Set a list of image/video/GIF URLs in MiStoryView.
- Set fixed duration for particular story of media type Image/GIF only (in milliseconds).
- Duration for media type Video will be set automatically.
- Set any of the predefined animations, while swiping between multiple stories.
- Move to the back and forth story by tapping on the right and left parts of an image.
- Hold story by holding touch on it.
- Move to the whole next story or exit full story view, if a user is at the last item of the story.
- Move to the whole previous story or exit the full story view, if a user is at the first item of the story.
- Story indicator color changes once it is seen.
- Step 1: Add the JitPack repository in your project build.gradle file
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
If Android studio version is Arctic Fox or upper then add it in your settings.gradle:
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
- Step 2: Add the dependency in your app module build.gradle file
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.Mindinventory:MIStoryView:x.x.x'
Step 1 : Provide a list of stories. (Note : Use MiUserStoryModel class only to provide list of stories and for json file see in assets folder of demo app.)
class MainViewModel : ViewModel() { val mListOfUsers: ArrayList<MiUserStoryModel> = ArrayList() fun readAssetsData(context: Context): String { val json: String? try { val inputStream = context.assets.open("storyData.json") val size = inputStream.available() val buffer = ByteArray(size) inputStream.read(buffer) inputStream.close() json = java.lang.String(buffer, "UTF-8").toString() mListOfUsers.addAll( Gson().fromJson( json, object : TypeToken<ArrayList<MiUserStoryModel?>?>() {}.type ) ) } catch (ex: IOException) { ex.printStackTrace() return "" } return json } fun updateListOfUser(mListOfUsers: ArrayList<MiUserStoryModel>) { this.mListOfUsers.clear() this.mListOfUsers.addAll(mListOfUsers) } }
Step 2 : Inflate recyclerview in your layout file.
<androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView android:id="@+id/rvStory" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:clipToPadding="false" android:orientation="vertical" android:padding="@dimen/dp_8" app:layoutManager="androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager" app:layout_constraintEnd_toEndOf="parent" app:layout_constraintStart_toStartOf="parent" app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" tools:listitem="@layout/item_user_story" />
Step 3 : Create a recyclerview row item, which consists MiStoryView class.
// See row item of sample app.
Step 4 : Create an adapter object and a resultAPI launcher to launch story detail view from your activity.
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { // This is necessary snippet to listen the changes of seen stories data, // when user come back to the origin activity. private val launcher = registerForActivityResult(ActivityResultContracts.StartActivityForResult()) { try { if (it.resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) { val list = arrayListOf<MiUserStoryModel>() it.data?.hasExtra(MiStoryDisplayActivity.MI_LIST_OF_STORY) ?.let { hasMiStoryList -> if (hasMiStoryList) { it.data?.getParcelableArrayListExtra<MiUserStoryModel>( MiStoryDisplayActivity.MI_LIST_OF_STORY )?.let { listOfUserStories -> list.addAll(listOfUserStories) } } } if (!mViewModel.mListOfUsers.containsAll(list)) { storyAdapter.setUserStoryData(list) mViewModel.updateListOfUser(list) } } } catch (e: Exception) { e.printStackTrace() } } // onCreateView here and invoke initView() method in it. private fun initView() { // Initialize your adapter here. // Provide launcher and list of stories from viewmodel for example // in constructor of that adapter. with(mBinding.rvStory) { ... storyAdapter = StoryAdapter(mViewModel.mListOfUsers, { launcher }, { this@MainActivity }) adapter = storyAdapter } } }
Step 5 : Create a recyclerview adapter. Must implement touch event of root view and dispatch that event to MiStoryView to launch Story detail view.
class StoryAdapter( private val launcher: ActivityResultLauncher<Intent>, private val launcherCallBack: () -> ActivityResultLauncher<Intent>, private val activityCallBack: () -> AppCompatActivity ) : RecyclerView.Adapter<RecyclerView.ViewHolder>() { override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): RecyclerView.ViewHolder { // inflate your row item layout here } @SuppressLint("ClickableViewAccessibility") override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder, position: Int) { if (holder is StoryViewHolder) { holder.mBinding.apply { // Dispatch touch event of root view // to MiStoryView to open full screen // story preview view. root.setOnTouchListener { view, motionEvent -> msvStory.dispatchTouchEvent(motionEvent) true } msvStory.apply { setActivity(activityCallBack.invoke()) setLauncher(launcherCallBack.invoke()) if (listOfUseStory.isNotEmpty()) { setImageUrls(listOfUseStory, holder.adapterPosition) } } tvUserName.text = mDataList[holder.adapterPosition].userName } } } // Other override methods here // Define viewholder class here fun setUserStoryData(mDataList: ArrayList<MiUserStoryModel>) { this.listOfUseStory.clear() this.listOfUseStory = mDataList notifyDataSetChanged() } }
Properties | Description |
miPageTransformer | Set different animation while switching between stories |
miPendingIndicatorColor | Set color for unseen story |
miStoryImageRadius | Set size of round image |
miStoryItemIndicatorWidth | Set width of progress indicator |
miSpaceBetweenImageAndIndicator | Set margin between two progress bar indicator |
miVisitedIndicatorColor | Set color for seen story |
miFullScreenProgressBarHeight | Set height of progress in full story view |
miFullScreenGapBetweenProgressBar | Set margin between two progress bar indicator in full story view |
miFullScreenProgressBarPrimaryColor | Set primary color of progress bar in full story view |
miFullScreenProgressBarSecondaryColor | Set secondary color of progress bar in full story view |
miFullScreenSingleStoryDisplayTime | Set time for particular story (i.e in milliseconds) |
That's it 👍 and you're good to go 🚀
It would be very helpful for us, if the reporter can share the below things to understand the root cause of the issue.
- Library version.
- Code snippet.
- Logs if applicable.
- Screenshot/video with steps to reproduce the issue.
MIStoryView is MIT-licensed.
If you use our open-source libraries in your project, please make sure to credit us and Give a star to www.mindinventory.com
Please feel free to use this component and Let us know if you are interested to building Apps or Designing Products.