Thank you for your visit.
This is a sample project for Dynamic Type.
In addition, this application is also a sample application
created to write articles of Qiita's Advent Calendar.
Qiita is a technical information sharing service for programmers of Japan.
- iOS 10 and later
- Xcode 9.2
- macOS 10.12.6 and later
U can check each UIFontTextStyle
U can check each UIFontTextStyle
This content uses custom font Futura.
From iOS 11, we now use custom fonts for Dynanmic Type🎉
I made an example using Dynamic Type.
By using Accessibility Inspector U can check each size.
I improved the third content.
Each UI component can now be wrapped and displayed when setting accessibility.
So sorry. These articles are written in Japanese. If u can, please read by using google translate service and so on.
If you find some bugs and misses, please notice.
let myEmailAddress = "milanista224" + "@" + ""