This is a modification of the fork created by mtlynch of the original NYT project. This fork's sole purpose is to output the formatted training/testing data for use in the Tensorflow Named Entity Recognition LSTM-CRF implementation here:
Original notes below:
This is a fork of the original NY Times ingredient-phrase-tagger. This fork is maintained by Michael Lynch
This fork maintains the design of the original ingredient-phrase-tagger, but adds bugfixes and additional features to aid in future development:
- Adds a Docker image for easy deployment.
- Adds a continuous integration build on every check-in.
- Adds unit tests.
- Adds end-to-end tests.
- Enforces rules for source formatting and linting.
These improvements were described in a series of blog posts on
- Resurrecting a Dead Library: Part One - Resuscitation
- Resurrecting a Dead Library: Part Two - Stabilization
- Resurrecting a Dead Library: Part Three - Rehabilitation
This repo contains scripts to extract the Quantity, Unit, Name, and Comments from unstructured ingredient phrases. We use it on Cooking to format incoming recipes. Given the following input:
1 pound carrots, young ones if possible
Kosher salt, to taste
2 tablespoons sherry vinegar
2 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 medium-size shallot, peeled and finely diced
1/2 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves, finely chopped
Black pepper, to taste
Our tool produces something like:
"qty": "1",
"unit": "pound"
"name": "carrots",
"other": ",",
"comment": "young ones if possible",
"input": "1 pound carrots, young ones if possible",
"display": "<span class='qty'>1</span><span class='unit'>pound</span><span class='name'>carrots</span><span class='other'>,</span><span class='comment'>young ones if possible</span>",
We use a conditional random field model (CRF) to extract tags from labelled training data, which was tagged by human news assistants. We wrote about our approach on the New York Times Open blog. More information about CRFs can be found here.
On a 2012 Macbook Pro, training the model takes roughly 30 minutes for 130k examples using the CRF++ library.
brew install crf++
python install
docker pull mtlynch/ingredient-phrase-tagger
docker run -it mtlynch/ingredient-phrase-tagger bash
# Train a new model
MODEL_DIR=$(mktemp -d)
bin/train-prod-model "$MODEL_DIR"
MODEL_FILE=$(find $MODEL_DIR -name '*.crfmodel')
# Parse some ingredients
echo '
2 tablespoons honey
1/2 cup flour
Black pepper, to taste' | bin/ --model-file $MODEL_FILE
"display": "<span class='qty'>2</span><span class='unit'>tablespoons</span><span class='name'>honey</span>",
"input": "2 tablespoons honey",
"name": "honey",
"qty": "2",
"unit": "tablespoon"
"display": "<span class='qty'>1/2</span><span class='unit'>cup</span><span class='name'>flour</span>",
"input": "1/2 cup flour",
"name": "flour",
"qty": "1/2",
"unit": "cup"
"comment": "to taste",
"display": "<span class='name'>Black pepper</span><span class='other'>,</span><span class='comment'>to taste</span>",
"input": "Black pepper, to taste",
"name": "Black pepper",
"other": ","