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Countries API


This project implements a REST API using TypeScript and Node.js, integrating data from the REST Countries API. The API provides various endpoints to retrieve and process country data, including details on regions, languages, and aggregated statistics.


  • Data Integration: Fetches and processes data from the REST Countries API.
  • API Endpoints:
    • GET /api/countries: Retrieve a paginated list of countries with optional filtering by region and population size. You can specify sorting and pagination parameters to customize the results.
    • GET /api/countries/details: Retrieve detailed information for a specific country, including its official and common names, languages, population, area, and bordering countries.
    • GET /api/regions: Retrieve a list of regions along with the countries within each region, including additional aggregated data such as the total population of each region. This endpoint supports sorting, ordering, and pagination through query parameters.
    • GET /api/languages: Retrieve a list of languages and the countries where they are spoken. Includes the total number of speakers globally for each language.
    • GET /api/statistics: Provide aggregated statistics such as the total number of countries, the largest country by area, the smallest by population, and the most widely spoken language.
  • Data Processing: Efficiently stores and manages fetched data, with features for filtering, searching, and sorting.
  • Documentation: Comprehensive API documentation using Swagger/OpenAPI.



  • Node.js (version 18 or higher)
  • npm (version 10.x)


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd countries-api-master
  1. Install dependencies:
npm install
  1. Set up environment variables




Running the Start up the docker container, to have access to a Postgres and Redis instance

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d

Implementation Details


  1. Data Ingestion
  • Created a script (data-ingestion.ts) to fetch data from the REST Countries API using axios.
  • Processed and stored the fetched data using TypeORM to interact with a PostgreSQL database.
  • Ensured data consistency and handled missing or incomplete data during the ingestion process.
  • Added a command in the package.json file to run the data ingestion script before deployment:
"scripts": {
  "dataIngestion": "ts-node src/scripts/data-ingestion.ts",

To run the data ingestion script:

npm run dataIngestion
  1. API Design:
  • Implemented pagination, filtering, and sorting features to enhance usability.
  1. Security and Performance:
  • Applied best practices to secure the API, including input validation and error handling.
  1. Implemented caching strategies using cache-manager and Redis to improve performance.
  2. Documentation:
  • Used Swagger to document the API, providing clear and comprehensive information on each endpoint.


Render Deployment

The application is deployed on Render using their free instance. Due to the limitations of the free instance, Render does not support running pre-deployment commands. As a workaround, to run database migrations before starting the application in production, the start:production command in the package.json file is edited to include the migration command.

Here are the relevant scripts in the package.json file:

"scripts": {
  "start:prod": "node dist/main",
  "start:production": "npm run migration:run && npm run start:prod",

Steps to Deploy

  1. Build the Application: This is part of the build step deployment settings on render
npm run build
  1. Edit start:production Command: To run migrations before starting the application, edit the start:production command.
"start:production": "npm run migration:run && npm run start:prod"
  1. Deploy to Render: Push the changes to your GitHub repository connected to Render. Render will automatically deploy the application.

  2. Run Migrations: After deployment, if there are database schema changes, update the start:production command temporarily to run migrations.

npm run start:production
  1. Revert start:production Command: After migrations have run successfully, revert the start:production command back to just starting the application.
"start:production": "npm run start:prod"

This approach ensures that the necessary database migrations are run without requiring pre-deployment commands, adhering to the constraints of the Render free instance. This also works if you want to run a downgrade on a migration file

Accessing the Deployed API

The deployed API can be accessed at the following URL:

By following these steps, deployments can be managed efficiently and database migrations effectively on Render, even with the limitations of the free instance.

Continuous Integration

I implemented a CI pipeline using GitHub Actions to ensure code quality and security. The pipeline automatically runs on every push to the main branch( not that this is encouraged) and for all pull requests targeting the main branch.

CI Pipeline Features:

  1. Automated Testing: Runs the entire test suite to catch any regressions or bugs.

  2. Security Scanning:

    • npm audit: I use npm audit to scan the dependencies for known vulnerabilities. The pipeline will fail if any moderate or higher severity vulnerabilities are detected.
    • Snyk Integration: I incorporated Snyk for more comprehensive vulnerability scanning. Snyk provides detailed reports on potential security issues in both our code and dependencies.

Potential Improvements

  • Authentication Process: Implement a more robust authentication mechanism to enhance the security of the API.
  • Additional Endpoints: Add more endpoints to provide additional insights and value from the ingested data


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