- slam_node - Simultaneous Localization and Mapping node
- localization_node - Localization-only node. Loads a map at the initialization.
- mapping_node - Mapping with known poses node.
- "/detections_topic" (vision_msgs::Detection2DArray) - the object detections
- "/features_topic" (vineslam_msgs::FeatureArray) - the object detections
- "/scan_topic" (sensor_msgs::PointCloud2) - the object detections
- "/odom_topic" (nav_msgs::Odometry) - the robot wheel Odometry
- "/gps_topic" (sensor_msgs::NavSatFix) - the GPS topic (optional)
- /vineslam/pose (geometry_msgs::PoseStamped) - the 6-DoF robot pose
- /vineslam/poses (geometry_msgs::PoseArray) - the 6-DoF particles pose
- /vineslam/map2D (visualization_msgs::MarkerArray) - the 2D semantic map
- /vineslam/map3D/SURF (sensor_msgs::PointCloud2) - the 3D SURF-based map
- /vineslam/map3D/corners (sensor_msgs::PointCloud2) - the 3D PointCloud corner feature map
- /vineslam/map3D/planars (sensor_msgs::PointCloud2) - the 3D PointCloud planar features map
- /vineslam/map3D/planes (visualization_msgs::MarkerArray) - the 3D PointCloud plane features map
- /vineslam/elevationMap (visualization_msgs::MarkerArray) - the ground elevation map
- "/odom" to world_frame_id (map).
To tune the system parameters, you can change them in ./vineslam_ros/config/setup_slam.yaml
All the parameters are set to their default values, so you can run the system witouth changing them.
- system:
- robot_model - [agrob/rocha] robot model to use (will have impact in the tf broadcasting).
- world_frame_id - name of the world reference frame.
- use_semantic_features - [True/False] whether to use or not the 2D semantic feature map
- use_lidar_features - [True/False] whether to use or not the 3D LiDAR features
- use_image_features - [True/False] whether to use or not the 3D image features
- use_gps - [True/False] whether to use or not the GPS on 6-DoF Localization
- camera_info:
- fx - horizontal focal length (pixels)
- cx - x coordinate of image principal point (pixels)
- multilayer-mapping:
- grid_map:
- origin:
- x - x coordinate of grid map origin
- y - y coordinate of grid map origin
- z - z coordinate of grid map origin
- width - map width (meters)
- length - map lenght (meters)
- height - map height (meters)
- resolution - map resolution (meters)
- save_map - [True/False] whether to save or not the map when the system ends
- output_file - name of the map output file (.xml)
- input_file - name of the map input file (.xml) if using localization-only
- origin:
- grid_map:
- pf:
- n_particles - number of particles of the particle filter
- sigma_xx - motion model xx constant (meters)
- sigma_yy - motion model yy constant (meters)
- sigma_zz - motion model zz constant (meters)
- sigma_RR - motion model RR constant (radians)
- sigma_PP - motion model PP constant (radians)
- sigma_RR - motion model YY constant (radians)
- k_clusters - number of clusters to consider at the end of the particle filter