This is a backend service to host articles that can be posted and commented on by users.
A live version of the service is available here.
All valid endpoints are available at /api
This project was built using PostgreSQL v14.6 and Node.js v19.3.0 (brew install postgresql@14 node
Clone this repository using git clone
In the project directory install the dependencies npm install
Create a file in the project directorty called .env.development
with the following contents to set the appropriate environment variable before running the backend.
To create and seed the nc_news database run:
npm run setup-dbs
npm run seed
The server can be run using:
npm run start
This will create a server instance listening on port 10000, to change the port either set a new environment variable of PORT at run time:
PORT=9090 npm run start
or edit the PORT in the listener.js
Unit testing is done using jest.
To run the unit tests create a new environment file in the project directory called .env.test
with the following contents:
Database seeding is done automatically when the tests are executed.
To run the tests execute the test script:
npm test