An R package to enable GO term enrichment testing in A. thaliana.
Various support functions are included but the main function is:
agi_go_enrichment package:atgo R Documentation
Function to look for GO term enrichment in a list of A. thaliana genes
Function to look for GO term enrichment in a list of A. thaliana
variants = TRUE,
relationships = "all",
aspects = "all",
evidence = "any",
method = "binom",
p.adjust_method = "BH"
agi_list: A vector of AGI codes for A. thaliana genes of interest
variants: A logical indicating whether or not isoform variants are
included as part of their locus. Default: TRUE
relationships: A vector of GO relationships to consider, see . Default: all
evidence: A vector of GO evidence codes to consider, see .
Default: any
method: The method to use for statistical testing; binom, fisher or
chisq. Default: binom
p.adjust_method: The method for p-value adjustment, see p.adjust.
Default: BH
aspect: A vector of GO aspects to consider. F: molecular function; C:
cellular component; P: biological process. Default: all
GO terms are found for all genes in the agi_list. For each term,
associated genes are counted in the agi_list and in the rest of A.
thaliana. A gene is considered associated if either it has a
direct association according to ath_goslim or if it is associated
with any of the offspring terms. A statistical test is then
carried out to determine the likelihood of the term being over- or
under-represented. P-values are then adjusted for multiple
A labelled vector of adjusted p-values.