- 🌍 I'm based in Italy and in search for opportunities around Europe and US.
- ✉️ You can contact me at micverriello@gmail.com
- 🤝 Feel free to ask me anything!!!
- Programming Languages: Java | C# | Python | C | Typescript | Kotlin | PHP | Assembly.
- Databases: PostgreSQL | MySQL | MongoDB | Redis | Firebase | ElasticSearch.
- Frameworks: Spring Boot | .Net | Angular | Kotlin Mobile Multiplatform | Laravel.
- Cloud: AWS Elastic IP | AWS SNS | AWS EC2 | AWS Container Registry | AWS Grafana | AWS CloudWatch | Cloudflare | AWS EKS | Distributed Systems.
- Automation Jenkins | GitHub Actions | Azure Pipelines | Docker | Kubernetes.
- Tools: Git | SVN | GitHub | Jira | SourceTree | CMake | Postman | Swagger | RabbitMQ | Kafka | Maven | Gradle | CMake.
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