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Theses-Checker is a tool for students and teachers alike to check theses for frequent typographical errors and see content analysis for quick evaluation on it's length. (This program is a part of a bachelor's thesis.)


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Autor: Michaela Macková (

The developed applications implement a tool that checks for typographical errors that often occur in theses and analyzes it's content for quick evaluation on it's length. Two applications were created: one web-based and the other command-line executable. Both applications were developed in Python and use the PyMuPDF library to process PDF documents.

This program is a part of a bachelor's thesis and later extended as Project Practice.

Web tool

The developed web application is freely available at

The input of this application is a PDF file containing the technical report that will be checked and analyzed. The output is the same file with graphical indications of any identified mistakes and information about the text and pictures of the document. The edited PDF is displayed directly on the web page, with errors marked using PDF annotations.

Command-line executable

The input to this application is one or more PDF files, each containing a technical report that will be checked. Using the available arguments, you can set which checks are performed and whether embedded PDF files (located inside the PDF documents) are treated as images during the checks. The output consists of the provided PDF files, each accompanied by a graphical indication of any identified mistakes, with errors marked using PDF annotations, and text files containing information about text and pictures for each input PDF file.


Bachelor's thesis

If you want to learn more and know Czech you can read my thesis at

The main goal of this work is to create an application that checks technical reports and marks all the found errors with PDF annotations. The technical documentation of this thesis breaks down the structure of a PDF file, commonly found mistakes in graduate theses, web development using the Django framework and discusses existing libraries for editing PDF documents. The resulting application is implemented in Python and is accessible as a web tool with the help of the Django framework. The developed solution recognizes six mostly typographical errors frequently found in graduate theses. The mistakes found are visually marked and the edited PDF file is then displayed directly on the web page. The resulting tool is freely available and helps students and supervisors to correct the technical reports the students create.


1. Installation of dependencies

Before running the program, you must install all the packages on which the application depends. For easier installation, files have been created containing the packages and their versions that can be used with the pip install command. These files are stored in the root folder. Both versions of Theses Checker (the web tool and the command line program) were developed in the Python programming language version 3.10. Other versions have not been tested.

Web tool

To install dependencies for the web tool, use the following command:

> pip install -r requirements_web.txt

Command-line executable

To install dependencies for the command-line executable, use the following command:

> pip install -r requirements.txt

2. Before first use

After installing the dependencies, you’ll need to make a few adjustments before using either application for the first time.

Web tool

  • For the web application to work properly, the,, and files must be located in the src\web\theses_checker\bl\ folder (their original location).
  • The next step is creating a .env file in src\web\ folder. This file is described later in this section.
  • The tool creates and stores new PDF and JSON files, for our developed strategies on how to delete these files see section 4. For web server with small storage space.

Specifications for .env file

This file should contain:

  • [required] SECRET_KEY - The secret key that should be set before this application is published. The file must contain a line starting with SECRET_KEY= followed by the newly generated secret key. The example below contains the base value of the secret key, but this value must be manually changed to maintain security. This secret key can be generated, for example, at Djecrety.
  • [required] DEBUG - The debug configuration that should be set to True in production. The file must contain a line starting with DEBUG= followed by True or False. This variable is used to specify whether the application will run in development mode or production mode. (Static files such as style.css and script.js may not function correctly in production mode on the local server.)
  • [required] OPERATING_SYSTEM - The operating system name on which this tool is running. The file must contain a line starting with OPERATING_SYSTEM= followed by either Windows or Linux. Other types are not supported.
  • MAX_STORAGE_SPACE - The maximum storage space available (in bytes) for the whole repository. The file must contain a line starting with MAX_STORAGE_SPACE= followed by a number. If it is not stated in .env file the maximum storage space is determined by the system. (WARNING: only for Linux, for Windows ignored)
  • ALLOWED_HOSTS - List of allowed host/domain names that this Django site can serve. This list can include fully qualified names (e.g. and subdomains (e.g., that matches all subdomains of The .env file must contain a line starting with ALLOWED_HOSTS= followed by a list of domains. If ALLOWED_HOSTS is not specified default .localhost,, [::1] will be applied.
  • CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS - A list of trusted origins for unsafe requests. If cross-origin unsafe requests are needed. This list can include for example, or https://* (to allow access from all subdomains of To use this setting the .env file must contain a line starting with CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS= followed by list of trusted origins.
  • FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME - This will be used as the value of the SCRIPT_NAME environment variable in any HTTP request. If needed the .env file must contain a line FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME= followed by script name.
  • CSRF_COOKIE_PATH - The path set on the CSRF cookie. To use this setting the .env file must contain a line starting with CSRF_COOKIE_PATH= followed by CSRF cookie path. Default path is /.
  • RELATIVE_STATIC_ROOT - Path (relative to BASE_DIR) to the directory where collectstatic will collect static files for deployment. For example path/to/collectstatic. To use this the .env file must contain a line starting with RELATIVE_STATIC_ROOT= followed by a path.
  • STATIC_URL - URL to use when referring to static files located in RELATIVE_STATIC_ROOT. For example static/ or (value must end in a slash). To use this the .env file must contain a line starting with STATIC_URL= followed by URL.

valid .env file examples:

ALLOWED_HOSTS=, .localhost,,
FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME=/my-script-name, .localhost,, [::1]

Note: It is important not to assign values in the quotation in .env file

Command-line executable

  • In order for the command line program to work properly, the,, and files must be located in the %CMD%\theses_checker_package\ folder.
  • These files are originally located in the src\web\theses_checker\bl\ folder.
  • For easier use (while following the originally set hierarchy) copy_theses_checker_package.ps1 or scripts can be used to copy these files. These scripts are located inside the src\cmd\ folder.
  • Next ensure that file is inside %CMD%\ folder.
  • %CMD% path originally represents src\cmd\.

Expected file hierarchy:

├── theses_checker_package
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── copy_theses_checker_package.ps1 [optional]
└── [optional]

3. Usage

Web tool

To start the server locally for the web tool, use this command (used primarily for debugging purposes):

> python runserver

Command-line executable

To execute this program, use the following command:

> python [ARG]… in_file [in_file]…

Command description: Makes a new pdf file called '*_annotated.pdf' in the folder, where this program is saved. If no check flag is given, everything will be checked.

Available arguments are:

  • -h or --help
  • --embedded_PDF - if used, embedded PDF files will be treated as part of the PDF; otherwise, they will be considered as images
  • -o or --overflow - performs overflow check
  • -i or --image_width - performs image width check
  • -H or --Hyphen - performs hyphen check
  • -t or --TOC - performs table of content section check
  • -s or --space_bracket - performs space before left bracket check
  • -e or --empty_chapter - performs text between titles check
  • -b or --bad_reference - performs bad reference check (finding '??' in text - usually found in PDFs exported from LaTeX)

The application can be used as follows:

> python -h
> python file.pdf
> python file1.pdf file2.pdf file3.pdf
> python -o -t file.pdf file2.pdf
> python file.pdf -H -s -b

4. For web server with small storage space

In case server has small storage space there were developed two strategies on how to delete annotated PDF files:

4.1. Bash/Powershell script for periodic deletion

Note: This script does not run by itself. For it to work you need to schedule a job (for example as cron job) or use script.

This script is located in src\web\ folder and is named for Linux systems or periodicDeleteFiles.ps1 for Windows systems. When this script is run, it deletes all PDF files located in in .\files\ or .\static\ folder and all JSON files located in .\files\json folder that are older than specified period (originally set to 12h). To change this period, simply change the value (in seconds) in Period variable.

This script can by run on Linux by this command:

$ bash

This script can by run on Windows by this command:

> powershell '&'

4.1.1. Python script for periodic tasks

For easier use of scripts for periodic deletion a scheduling script has been created - named This script is located in src\web\ folder and for its usage a new dependency is neeed. These dependencies are listed in requirements_scheduler.txt. To install these dependencies you can use command:

> pip install -r requirements_scheduler.txt

This script runs indefinitelly and periodically executes file-deletion task. This period is initally set to: every day at 8:00 and 20:00. You can change the execute times by changing the DELETE_FILES_TIMES variable.

Script can be run by this command:

> python

4.2. Delete when loaded on the user's side

Note: By using this method, web cannot be used on mobile devices - PDF is deleted before user can download resource from server.

This option relies on user's web browser to store PDF in temporary storage. PDF file is sent as (a part of) a HTTP response and than deleted from server.

There are a few steps to set up if you want to use this option:

  1. in src\web\theses_checker\ uncomment method view_annotated (lines 67-81)
  2. in src\web\theses_checker\ uncomment/add new path to urlpatterns list:
    path('view/<str:pdf_name>', views.view_annotated, name='view_annotated')
  3. in src\web\templates\theses_checker\annotated.html set <iframe> source (src) to following (as seen in comment in file). By using this source, there is no need to load static in template anymore
    "{% url 'view_annotated' pdf_name=pdf_name %}"

Known Issues

  • overflow check doesn't work for two-sided papers (padding on odd pages is different than padding on even pages)
  • some files (when user leaves mid request?) stay in static folder
  • when error is thrown during file processing, files stay in files folder
  • in some cases chapter titles are not recognized
  • chapter detection and adding content information for chapter depends on condition, that chapter title is always on a new page


Theses-Checker is a tool for students and teachers alike to check theses for frequent typographical errors and see content analysis for quick evaluation on it's length. (This program is a part of a bachelor's thesis.)








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