Live Link: Market Mate
The Stock Management System is a comprehensive system for managing inventory, brands, firms, and products. The system includes features such as authentication, data visualization, and CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for various entities. This project is designed to facilitate stock management and help businesses manage their inventory more efficiently.
- User Authentication: Login, Token Renewal, Logout
- CRUD Operations: CRUD operations for Users, Brands, Firms, and Products
- Data Visualization: Data visualization with charts
- Responsive Interface: A responsive and user-friendly interface optimized for both mobile and desktop devices
- Notification System: Notifications for success, warning, and error messages
The project uses the following core dependencies:
- React: For building the user interface
- Redux: For state management
- React Router: For client-side routing
- Material-UI: For user interface components
- Axios: For making HTTP requests
- Formik: For form management
- Yup: For validation
- React-Toastify: For notifications
- TailwindCSS: For styling
- SweetAlert2: For beautiful alerts and notifications
├── public
├── src
│ ├── app
│ │ └── store.jsx
│ ├── assets
│ ├── components
│ │ ├── BrandCard.jsx
│ │ ├── Charts.jsx
│ │ ├── FirmCard.jsx
│ │ ├── KpiCards.jsx
│ │ ├── LoginForm.jsx
│ │ ├── MenuListItems.jsx
│ │ ├── RegisterForm.jsx
│ │ └── modals
│ │ ├── BrandModal.jsx
│ │ ├── FirmModal.jsx
│ │ ├── ProductModal.jsx
│ │ ├── PurchaseModal.jsx
│ │ └── SaleModal.jsx
│ ├── features
│ │ ├── authSlice.jsx
│ │ └── stockSlice.jsx
│ ├── helper
│ │ └── ToastNotify.js
│ ├── hooks
│ │ ├── useAuthCall.jsx
│ │ ├── useAxios.jsx
│ │ └── useStockCall.jsx
│ ├── index.css
│ ├── index.js
│ ├── pages
│ │ ├── Brands.jsx
│ │ ├── Dashboard.jsx
│ │ ├── Firms.jsx
│ │ ├── Home.jsx
│ │ ├── Login.jsx
│ │ ├── Products.jsx
│ │ ├── Purchases.jsx
│ │ ├── Register.jsx
│ │ └── Sales.jsx
│ ├── router
│ │ ├── AppRouter.jsx
│ │ └── PrivateRouter.jsx
│ └── styles
│ └── globalStyle.jsx
└── tailwind.config.js
To run the application on your local machine, follow these steps:
Clone the project to your computer: git clone
Open your terminal and navigate to the project directory: cd market-mate
Install the dependencies: npm install
Start the application: npm start
Open your web browser and visit http://localhost:3000 to explore the Market Mate / Stock Management System.