- Element and normalize.css
- Vue -v 2.1 & Vue-router
- Vuex & Vuex-router-sync
- Fetch polyfill
- Webpack
- TestCafe for testing
- Eslint, Babel (stage-0)
βββ build // webpack config files
βββ client - Your App
β βββ components - your components
β βββ router - routing
β βββ store - Vuex store
β βββ styles - styles folder with scss vars, mixins, etc.
β βββ views - your pages
β βββ app.js - import dependencies and App component
β βββ index.js - main file
β βββ pwa.js - for PWA apps
βββ dist - build.
βββ static - static assets, etc.
βββ tests - Your tests
βββ theme - Element UI generated theme
Template built based on Vuepack bolirplate
git clone https://github.com/Metnew/vue-element-starter.git vue-project
cd vue-project && rm -rf .git
npm install
npm run generate_default_styles # run this command to generate default_styles for Element-theme
Element-theme generates default styles. Just change primary-color in ./client/element-variables.css
and run:
npm run generate_theme
Now app is ready and you can run it with:
npm run dev
Make production build:
npm run build
PRs, issues, questions, <something-another> are always welcome.
Feel free to contact me (or add new issue).
Vladimir Metnew vladimirmetnew@gmail.com