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The table multi attribute

The table multi attribute for MetaModels.

With this attribute you are able to create complex table structures with the MultiColumnWizard.

Original idea by Byteworks:

Configure the table multi attribute

Create the configuration in e.g. the contao/config/config.php or src/Resources/contao/config/config.php or somewhere else where the config is loaded and write something like this:

The mm_test is the name of the table and the multi_test is the name of the field.

$GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['metamodelsattribute_multi']['mm_test']['multi_test'] = [
    'minCount'     => 1,
    'maxCount'     => 5,
    'columnFields' => [
        'col_title'     => [
            'label'     => 'Title',
            'exclude'   => true,
            'inputType' => 'text',
            'eval'      => [
                'style' => 'width:130px'
        'col_highlight' => [
            'label'     => 'Hervorheben',
            'exclude'   => true,
            'inputType' => 'checkbox',
            'eval'      => [
                'style' => 'width:40px'
        'col_url'       => [
            'label'     => 'URL',
            'exclude'   => true,
            'inputType' => 'text',
            'eval'      => [
                'style'     => 'width:130px',
                'mandatory' => false,
                'rgxp'      => 'url'