Tooling Sprint
Past due by almost 4 years
100% complete
What will be included in tooling sprint:
- Initial Bitrise integration - get it ready to QA [carryover to following sprint Apr 26 - May 7 2021]
- Sentry cleanup - prioritize top errors from Sentry (by how often it occurs, and people impacted) [some carryover to v2.3 release in sprint Apr 26 - May 7 2021]
- Move to node 14.0 [completed; part of v2.3 release in …
What will be included in tooling sprint:
- Initial Bitrise integration - get it ready to QA [carryover to following sprint Apr 26 - May 7 2021]
- Sentry cleanup - prioritize top errors from Sentry (by how often it occurs, and people impacted) [some carryover to v2.3 release in sprint Apr 26 - May 7 2021]
- Move to node 14.0 [completed; part of v2.3 release in sprint Apr 26 - May 7 2021]
- User-facing development work: Only high priority bugs will qualify to enter this sprint, NO new feature development/enhancement.[some carryover to the next sprint Apr 26 - May 7 2021]
Detailed plan:
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