Firmware for ESP32 microcontroller to accept signals over WiFi network and move servo motors
Works with HeadpatVR server that accepts OSC signals from VRChat
You need PlatformIO IDE to compile and upload it to your esp8266 controller Installation instructions can be found here:
Create the file local.ini with the following parameters:
SSID = your-wifi-ssid
PASSWORD = YourWifi#Pa$$W0Rd
replace your-wifi-ssid
and YourWifi#Pa$$W0Rd
to your wifi SSID and password
It's recommended to keep the same rotation angle if your servo motor supports it
You can find the "Build" and "Upload" buttons in the bottom bar
Once local.ini file is ready, click on "Build". Once the build process is finished, click on "Upload"
Disconnect at least one motor from the board before uploading firmware. Otherwise, the power supply over USB will be unstable and uploading may fail
Once the upload is finished, you can click on "Serial monitor" button to see the logs