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C# MercuryPay Integration to Datacap's dsiPDCX
3 step process to integrate to dsiPDCX.
##Step 1: Secure Device Initialization
This command should be performed during startup of the POS system with the optional PIN pad attached. It should not be performed prior to every transaction as it takes several seconds to complete with an attached PIN pad.
// Initialize the dsiPDCX bbect
private DSIPDCXLib.DsiPDCX _pdcx = new DSIPDCXLib.DsiPDCX();
// Create SecureDeviceInit XML, below example is for MagTek IPAD
string request = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n"
+ "<TStream>\n"
+ " <Admin>\n"
+ " <TranType>Setup</TranType>\n"
+ " <TranCode>SecureDeviceInit</TranCode>\n"
+ " <PadType>IPAD100</PadType>\n"
+ " <SecureDevice>MTIPADHID</SecureDevice>\n"
+ " <ComPort>0</ComPort>\n"
+ " </Admin>\n"
+ "</TStream>\n";
// Process the XML request
string response = _pdcx.ProcessTransaction(request, 1, string.Empty, string.Empty);
##Step 2: Process XML Transaction
Build XML transactions and process with dsiPDCX object.
Below is a sample Credit Sale transaction.
// MagTek IPAD Example XML
string request = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n"
+ "<TStream>\n"
+ " <Transaction>\n"
+ " <MerchantID>019588466313922</MerchantID>\n"
+ " <LaneID>02</LaneID>
+ " <TranType>Credit</TranType>\n"
+ " <TranCode>Sale</TranCode>\n"
+ " <InvoiceNo>10</InvoiceNo>\n"
+ " <RefNo>10</RefNo>\n"
+ " <Frequency>OneTime</Frequency>\n"
+ " <RecordNo>RecordNumberRequested</RecordNo>\n"
+ " <PartialAuth>Allow</PartialAuth>\n"
+ " <Amount>\n"
+ " <Purchase>1.05</Purchase>\n"
+ " </Amount>\n"
+ " <SecureDevice>NONE</SecureDevice>\n"
+ " <ComPort>0</ComPort>\n"
+ " <Account>\n"
+ " <AcctNo>SecureDevice</AcctNo>\n"
+ " </Account>\n"
+ " <TerminalName>MPS Terminal</TerminalName>\n"
+ " <ShiftID>MPS Shift</ShiftID>\n"
+ " <OperatorID>MPS Operator</OperatorID>\n"
+ " <Memo>MPS PDCX Example v1.0</Memo>\n"
+ " </Transaction>\n"
+ "</TStream>\n";
// Process the XML request
_pdcx.ServerIPConfig(";", processControl);
string response = _pdcx.ProcessTransaction(request, 1, string.Empty, string.Empty);
##Step 3: Parse the XML Response
Parse the XML Response using the XMLHelper.ParseXMLResponse(string xmlResponse) method.
This method returns a Dictionary<string, string>.
Approved transactions will have a CmdStatus equal to "Approved" or "Success".
Dictionary<string, string> responseDictionary = XMLHelper.ParseXMLResponse(xmlResponse);
if (responseDictionary.ContainsKey("CmdStatus")
&& (responseDictionary["CmdStatus"] == "Approved" || responseDictionary["CmdStatus"] == "Success"))
// Approved/Success logic goes here
// Declined/Error logic goes here
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