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add active sampling capability within desirable feature and target re…
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danielchen26 committed Nov 27, 2023
1 parent ca7bb99 commit 2b32633
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Showing 7 changed files with 618 additions and 2 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/GenerativeDesigns/GenerativeDesigns.jl
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using ..CEED: front

export UncertaintyReductionMDP, DistanceBased
export UncertaintyReductionMDP, DistanceBased, DistanceBased_active
export QuadraticStandardizedDistance, DiscreteMetric, Exponential
export Variance, Entropy
export Evidence, State
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ function Base.merge(state::State, evidence, costs)


Represent action as a named tuple `(; costs=(monetary cost, time), features)`.
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186 changes: 186 additions & 0 deletions src/GenerativeDesigns/distancebased_active.jl
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# default readout-column distance functionals
QuadraticStandardizedDistance(; λ=1)
Return an anonymous function `(x, col; prior) -> λ * (x .- col).^2 / (2*σ2)`, where `σ2` is the variance of `col` calculated with respect to `prior`.
QuadraticStandardizedDistance(; λ = 1) = function (x, col; prior = ones(length(col)))
σ2 = var(col, Weights(prior); corrected = false)

return λ * (x .- col) .^ 2 / (2 * σ2)

DiscreteMetric(; λ=1)
Return an anonymous function `(x, col) -> λ * (x .== col)`.
DiscreteMetric(; λ = 1) = function (x, col; _...)
return map(y -> y == x ? λ : 0.0, col)

# default similarity functional
Exponential(; λ=1)
Return an anonymous function `x -> exp(-λ * sum(x; init=0))`.
Exponential(; λ = 1) = x -> exp(-λ * sum(x; init = 0))

# default uncertainty functionals
compute_variance(data::AbstractVector; weights) = var(data, Weights(weights))

compute_variance(data; weights) = sum(var(Matrix(data), Weights(weights), 1))

Variance(data; prior)
Return a function of `weights` that computes the percentage of variance in the data, compared to the variance calculated with respect to a specified `prior`.
function Variance(data; prior)
initial = compute_variance(data; weights = prior)
return weights -> (compute_variance(data; weights) / initial)

function compute_entropy(labels; weights)
aggregate_weights = collect(values(countmap(labels, Weights(weights))))
return entropy(aggregate_weights ./ sum(aggregate_weights))

Entropy(labels; prior)
Return a function of `weights` that computes the percentage of information entropy, compared to the entropy calculated with respect to a specified `prior`.
function Entropy(labels; prior)
@assert elscitype(labels) <: Multiclass "labels must be of `Multiclass` scitype, but `elscitype(labels)=$(elscitype(labels))`"
initial = compute_entropy(labels; weights = prior)
return (weights -> compute_entropy(labels; weights) / initial)

DistanceBased(data, target, uncertainty, similarity=Exponential(), distances=Dict(); prior=ones(nrow(data)))
Compute distances between experimental evidence and historical readouts, and apply a 'similarity' functional to obtain probability mass for each row.
# Return Value
A named tuple with the following fields:
- `sampler`: a function of `(evidence, features, rng)`, in which `evidence` denotes the current experimental evidence, `features` represent the set of features we want to sample from, and `rng` is a random number generator; it returns a dictionary mapping the features to outcomes.
- `uncertainty`: a function of `evidence`; it returns the measure of variance or uncertainty about the target variable, conditioned on the experimental evidence acquired so far.
- `weights`: a function of `evidence`; it returns probabilities (posterior) acrss the rows in `data`.
# Arguments
- `data`: a dataframe with historical data.
- `target`: target column name or a vector of target columns names.
- `uncertainty`: a function that takes the subdataframe containing columns in targets along with prior, and returns an anonymous function taking a single argument (a probability vector over observations) and returns an uncertainty measure over targets.
- `similarity`: a function that, for each row, takes distances between `row[col]` and `readout[col]`, and returns a non-negative probability mass for the row.
- `distances`: a dictionary of pairs `colname => similarity functional`, where a similarity functional must implement the signature `(readout, col; prior)`. Defaults to [`QuadraticStandardizedDistance`](@ref) and [`DiscreteMetric`](@ref) for `Continuous` and `Multiclass` scitypes, respectively.
# Keyword Argumets
- `prior`: prior across rows, uniform by default.
# Example
(; sampler, uncertainty, weights) =
DistanceBased(data, "HeartDisease", Entropy, Exponential(; λ = 5));
function DistanceBased_active(
similarity = Exponential(),
distances = Dict();
prior = ones(nrow(data)),
desirable_range = Dict(),
importance_sampling = false,
target_constraints = Dict(),
distances = Dict(
if haskey(distances, colname)
string(colname) => distances[colname]
elseif elscitype(data[!, colname]) <: Continuous
string(colname) => QuadraticStandardizedDistance()
elseif elscitype(data[!, colname]) <: Multiclass
string(colname) => DiscreteMetric()
"""column $colname has scitype $(elscitype(data[!, colname])), which is not supported by default.
Please provide a custom readout-column distances functional of the signature `(x, col; prior)`.""",
end for colname in names(data[!, Not(target)])

prior = Weights(prior)
targets = target isa AbstractVector ? target : [target]
# Update compute_weights to consider desirable ranges and importance sampling
compute_weights = function (evidence::Evidence)
if isempty(evidence)
return prior
array_distances = zeros((nrow(data), length(evidence)))
for (i, colname) in enumerate(keys(evidence))
if colname targets
array_distances[:, i] .=
distances[colname](evidence[colname], data[!, colname]; prior)

similarities =
prior .*
map(i -> similarity(array_distances[i, :]), 1:size(array_distances, 1))

# hard match on target columns
for colname in collect(keys(evidence)) targets
similarities .*= data[!, colname] .== evidence[colname]

# Apply desirable range constraints
for (colname, range) in desirable_range
if colname in keys(evidence)
within_range =
(data[!, colname] .>= range[1]) .& (data[!, colname] .<= range[2])
similarities .*= within_range

# Apply importance sampling if enabled
if importance_sampling
# Compute importance weights based on target constraints
importance_weights = ones(nrow(data))
for (colname, constraint) in target_constraints
if colname in keys(evidence)
importance_weights .*= constraint(data[!, colname])
similarities .*= importance_weights

return Weights(similarities ./ sum(similarities))

sampler = function (evidence::Evidence, columns, rng = default_rng())
observed = data[sample(rng, compute_weights(evidence)), :]

return Dict(c => observed[c] for c in columns)

f_uncertainty = uncertainty(data[!, target]; prior)
compute_uncertainty = function (evidence::Evidence)
return f_uncertainty(compute_weights(evidence))

return (; sampler, uncertainty = compute_uncertainty, weights = compute_weights)
59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions test/GenerativeDesigns/active_sampling.jl
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using Test
using DataFrames
using CEED.GenerativeDesigns: DistanceBased_active, Evidence
using ScientificTypes
using CEED, CEED.GenerativeDesigns

# Define the types for each column
types =
Dict(:A => Continuous, :B => Continuous, :Target1 => Multiclass, :Target2 => Continuous)

# Sample data for testing with all numerical values
data = DataFrame(;
A = 1:10,
B = 11:20,
Target1 = rand(1:2, 10),
Target2 = rand(1:10, 10),

# Coerce the data to the correct types
data = coerce(data, types)

# Define a dummy uncertainty function
dummy_uncertainty(data; prior) = weights -> sum(weights)

# Define a dummy similarity function
dummy_similarity = x -> exp(-sum(x))

# Define target constraints for importance sampling with numerical conditions
target_constraints =
Dict("Target1" => x -> x .== 1 ? 2.0 : 1.0,
"Target2" => x -> x .> 5 ? 1.5 : 1.0)

# Define desirable ranges for each dimension
desirable_range = Dict("A" => (3, 7), "B" => (15, 18))
# Create the DistanceBased function with the new features
distance_based_result = DistanceBased_active(
["Target1", "Target2"],
prior = ones(nrow(data)),
desirable_range = desirable_range,
importance_sampling = true,
target_constraints = target_constraints,

# Test the weights computation considering the desirable range and importance sampling
@testset "DistanceBased Function Tests" begin
evidence = Evidence("A" => 5, "B" => 16)
weights = distance_based_result.weights(evidence)

# Check if weights are zero outside the desirable range
@test all(weights[1:2] .== 0.0)
@test all(weights[8:10] .== 0.0)

# Check if weights are adjusted according to the target constraints
@test weights[3] >= weights[4] # Assuming "Good" is more frequent in the first half
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/Project.toml
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BenchmarkTools = "6e4b80f9-dd63-53aa-95a3-0cdb28fa8baf"
BetaML = "024491cd-cc6b-443e-8034-08ea7eb7db2b"
CEED = "e939450b-799e-4198-a5f5-3f2f7fb1c671"
CSV = "336ed68f-0bac-5ca0-87d4-7b16caf5d00b"
ConfigEnv = "01234589-554d-41b7-ae5c-7b6ee2db6796"
DataFrames = "a93c6f00-e57d-5684-b7b6-d8193f3e46c0"
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