This plugins adds zsh completions (compsys) for ~13.6k commands.
Most were generated by python scripts that parsed --help output and man page output.
As such they are of varying quality.
Architecture prefixed completions are in the architecture_src
source "$HOME/.zinit/bin/zinit.zsh"
zinit ice lucid nocompile wait'0e' nocompletions
zinit load MenkeTechnologies/zsh-more-completions
It is recommended to have zinit not symlink all the completions into ~/.zinit/completions
but to allow the plugin to append and prepend to fpath. This is to have zsh-more-completions have certain completions override others but not override system completions which by default with zinit come after ~/.zinit/completions
in fpath.
The ice nocompletions
achieves this as the plugin is still sourced and fpath is set to find the completions.
cd "$HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins" && git clone
Add zsh-more-completions
to plugins array in ~/.zshrc
For the plugin completions to take effect, compinit must be run after adding the source dirs to fpath. With OMZ this requires a second and slow compinit because OMZ only adds plugin root directory to fpath. To avoid this add the source dirs inside the plugin to fpath before sourcing OMZ and it running compinit.
Here is how I did it in my .zshrc
# OMZ does not add nested comp dirs to fpath so do it here, assume *src has completions
for plug in ${plugins[@]}; do
if [[ -d "$ZSH/custom/plugins/$plug" ]]; then
# null glob - no error
for dir in "$ZSH/custom/plugins/$plug/"*src(N); do
if [[ -d "$dir" ]]; then
if [[ -z ${fpath[(r)$dir]} ]];then
if [[ $dir = *override* ]]; then
fpath=($dir $fpath)
fpath=($fpath $dir)
# echo "add $dir to $fpath" >> "$ZPWR_LOGFILE"
git clone
copy all _ files in source directories to somewhere in fpath
Run autoload -Uz compinit
and then compinit
to generate the ~/.zcompdump
file after install.
Make sure to use the ~/.zcompdump
file as a cache when invoking compinit like compinit -C
in your ~/.zshrc
This will reduce interactive shell startup time dramatically.