Super fast git decorations implemented purely in lua/teal.
Hunk Actions | Line Blame |
- Signs for added, removed, and changed lines
- Asynchronous using luv
- Navigation between hunks
- Stage hunks (with undo)
- Preview diffs of hunks
- Customisable (signs, highlights, mappings, etc)
- Status bar integration
- Git blame a specific line using virtual text.
- Hunk text object
- Support for yadm
- Neovim >= 0.5.0
- Newish version of git. Older versions may not work with some features.
use {
requires = {
Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'
Plug 'lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim'
For basic setup with all batteries included:
If using packer.nvim gitsigns can be setup directly in the plugin spec:
use {
requires = {
config = function()
Configuration can be passed to the setup function. Here is an example with most of the default settings:
require('gitsigns').setup {
signs = {
add = {hl = 'GitSignsAdd' , text = '│', numhl='GitSignsAddNr' , linehl='GitSignsAddLn'},
change = {hl = 'GitSignsChange', text = '│', numhl='GitSignsChangeNr', linehl='GitSignsChangeLn'},
delete = {hl = 'GitSignsDelete', text = '_', numhl='GitSignsDeleteNr', linehl='GitSignsDeleteLn'},
topdelete = {hl = 'GitSignsDelete', text = '‾', numhl='GitSignsDeleteNr', linehl='GitSignsDeleteLn'},
changedelete = {hl = 'GitSignsChange', text = '~', numhl='GitSignsChangeNr', linehl='GitSignsChangeLn'},
numhl = false,
linehl = false,
keymaps = {
-- Default keymap options
noremap = true,
buffer = true,
['n ]c'] = { expr = true, "&diff ? ']c' : '<cmd>lua require\"gitsigns.actions\".next_hunk()<CR>'"},
['n [c'] = { expr = true, "&diff ? '[c' : '<cmd>lua require\"gitsigns.actions\".prev_hunk()<CR>'"},
['n <leader>hs'] = '<cmd>lua require"gitsigns".stage_hunk()<CR>',
['n <leader>hu'] = '<cmd>lua require"gitsigns".undo_stage_hunk()<CR>',
['n <leader>hr'] = '<cmd>lua require"gitsigns".reset_hunk()<CR>',
['n <leader>hR'] = '<cmd>lua require"gitsigns".reset_buffer()<CR>',
['n <leader>hp'] = '<cmd>lua require"gitsigns".preview_hunk()<CR>',
['n <leader>hb'] = '<cmd>lua require"gitsigns".blame_line(true)<CR>',
-- Text objects
['o ih'] = ':<C-U>lua require"gitsigns.actions".select_hunk()<CR>',
['x ih'] = ':<C-U>lua require"gitsigns.actions".select_hunk()<CR>'
watch_index = {
interval = 1000
current_line_blame = false,
sign_priority = 6,
update_debounce = 100,
status_formatter = nil, -- Use default
use_decoration_api = true,
use_internal_diff = true, -- If luajit is present
For information on configuring neovim via lua please see nvim-lua-guide.
Use b:gitsigns_status
or b:gitsigns_status_dict
. b:gitsigns_status
formatted using config.status_formatter
. b:gitsigns_status_dict
is a
dictionary with the keys added
, removed
, changed
and head
set statusline+=%{get(b:,'gitsigns_status','')}
For the current branch use the variable b:gitsigns_head
- Add ability to show staged hunks with different signs (maybe in a different sign column?)
- Add ability to show commit in floating window of current line
- Allow extra options to be passed to
git diff
- Folding of text around hunks
- Diff against working tree instead of index, or diff against any SHA.
- Open diff mode of buffer against what gitsigns is comparing to (currently the index)
- Show messages when navigating hunks similar to '/' search