A pritty simple sensor node made by a ESP μC and a DHT22/AM2302 sensor. The hole ide is to take 5 sampels and thrue them in an array, sort them by size and only send the third number, a.k.a medan value.
(I know, i hate this kinde of circuits examle, but the are easy to read)
- A 4.7k resistor between Pin 1 -> Pin 2
Here is my first node in my workshop (Swedish)
A lot =)
For more info, check out this GitHub links
- Arduino-Master lib for ESP8266 --> https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino
- Homeys arduino lib, or "Homeyduino" --> https://github.com/athombv/homey-arduino-library
- emilv and his ArduSorting lib --> https://github.com/emilv/ArduinoSort
- RobTillaart's DTHNew lib --> https://github.com/RobTillaart/DHTNew
I hope you enjoyd this
Regards Melker